Projects In Progress

Back when we were about to head out on our white water rafting trip I knew that there would be 2 commercial plane rides and 3 tiny charter flights total in order to access the trip. Plus, there was the trip itself, which would have downtime in the evenings while camping. It had been suggested that some sort of craft would be a good thing to bring along in order to stay occupied.

I did not want to bring multiple projects or anything particularly large. So, I chose some laceweight handspun singles from my stash and began working on a stole. I figured that this would be the best bang for my buck when it comes to high yardage that would also pack small.

I went back through projects I’ve already knit looking for something with interest but that was easy to memorize and something I also wore often enough to enjoy having a second in my stash. I ended up settling on the Quadri Shawl which I knit out of handspun in 2016 and tend to wear regularly in the winter. It’s mostly stockinette or reverse stockinette with a few pops of squares that are “navajo knitting” which, quite frankly, is a term that probably is incorrect. More like chain ply knitting. In any case, I enjoyed it back then and I figured I’d enjoy it this time as well.

Obviously an unblocked lace piece isn’t all that indicative of what a project will eventually look like, but here we are. The handspun is a gradient piece spun from a gradient batt so it’s been enjoyable to watch the colors change. The bulk of this I knit on the trip itself but recently I picked it back up to knit a few rows. The turquoise section is what I’ve done recently.

This is the piece which I will occupy my time with until the new westknits mystery knit along begins.

A Finish

I saw that the next westknits mystery knit along begins in October. I haven’t been knitting at all. But I wasn’t knitting that much last year either but I really loved the westknits shawl. So, I thought maybe this is the opportunity I have to be inspired. I already purchased the pattern and am waiting for the first clue. I still have to purchase yarn.

But, I figured if I signed up for that, I should also maybe give a little attention to my knitting projects. So I finished one.

To be honest, that’s not as big of a deal as it might seem. This project was about 10 rows from being done since June. June!

It’s a sock head slouch hat but knit out of handspun yarn. The yarn is Miss Marja’s handspun. I had knit on it at work off and on but at the point at which the decreases began, I brought it home because I knew it would need double pointed needles which I don’t keep at work. And there it sat not getting finished for months. Never mind, it’s done now! And I really like it. It’s very pretty!

A to Z project pan update #4

I have really enjoyed not doing monthly updates on this project pan, rather getting one posted when it feels like I’ve made enough progress to talk about. Things are going pretty well, steady progress but still feeling like I can sometimes enjoy creatively using other makeup in my collection.

This month

A: Mario Badescu facial spray with Aloe, Herbs, and Rosewater. This is finished, but I forgot to save the empty container. (21 uses this update, total uses 40.)
B: ABH Sultry palette Bloom-goal is to hit pan. (2 uses this update, with 9 uses total)
C: ABH Sultry Palette Cinder-goal is to hit pan. (3 uses this update and 8 total)
D: ABH Sultry Palette Dystopian-goal is to hit pan. (9 uses this update with 28 uses total)
E: ABH Sultry Palette Ember-goal is to hit pan. (No use this update, 1 use total)
F: ABH Sultry Palette Fresh-goal is to hit pan. (13 uses this update with 36 uses total)
G: Grace & Stella Spray all Day Rose Spray-goal is to finish. (17uses, with 67 uses total and now used up)
H: Pur Highlighter-goal is to use up. (30 uses this update with 90 uses total)
I: IT Cosmetics CC cream-Goal is to finish. (9 uses to finish, so a total 24 uses in the project.)
J: Elf Jellypop primer-goal is to finish. (22 uses this update with 64 uses total)
L: Estee Lauder Doublewear-goal is to finish. (19 uses this update with no previous usage)

M:Tarte palette Mermosa-goal is to hit pan. (7 uses this update with 28 uses total)
N: Tarte palette Nude Beach-goal is to hit pan. (8 uses with 29 uses total)
O: C.Y.O Lifeproof foundation-goal is to finish. (13 uses with 29 total to finish)
P: ABH Sultry Palette Pearl-goal is to hit pan. (29 uses with 76 uses total)
Q: Tarte blush color Quirky-goal is to hit pan. (26 uses with 79 uses total)
R: Rom&nd bronzer: goal is to hit pan-goal achieved!. (34 uses with 105 uses total)
S: ABH Sultry Palette Steamunk-goal is to hit pan. (10 uses with 26 total uses)
T: ABH Sultry Palette Twig-goal is to hit pan. (13 uses with 35 total uses)
U: Urban Decay Eye Primer-goal is to finish. (24 uses with 61 total uses before finish)
V: Urban Decay eyeliner in Voodoo-goal is to use past the 24/7. (11 uses with 40 total uses)
W: Lancome Teint Idole Ultra Wear foundation-goal is to finish. (2 uses with 16 uses total)
X: Too Faced Boudoir Eyes (soft and sexy) eyeshadow palette use up In The Buff eyeshadow. (0 uses with a total of 34 uses)
Y: NYX eyeshadow pan (forgot to get a photo this update) goal is to use up. (17 uses for a total of 40 uses)
Z: BH Cosmetics Zodiac Palette-goal is to hit pan on the matte Virgo shade. (0 uses for a total of 16 uses)

So to recap-between the last update and this update I managed to hit a goal on both the Mario Badescue facial spray which is now gone and the Rom&nd bronzer which an itty bitty baby pan was hit. It’s not even visible in the photo but there’s a sliver of pan where the two colors meet.

There are a few items getting awfully close as well, both the colors on the mermaid palette are so desperately close to pan being hit. If I concentrated on that, I am sure I’d meet both goals. I also think I am very close to being done with both sample size foundations in the project. One is too light and the other too dark so lately I’ve been mixing them to make a perfect summer shade. I have been outside a ton and I no longer own a summer foundation shade so having something too dark has come in very handy. I’ve also uncovered a ridiculous amount of pan on the pur highlighter and I do feel like using it up is actually a pretty reasonable goal for that product. And finally-the jellypop primer is at a point where enough is used that I’ll actually be able to add a usage line to it. The container has now shrunk enough to show progress.

I am enjoying the longer term goal of this, and kind of at an easy pace. Basically, I am working at this regularly but not so much so that I ignore everything else. This project may take a long time to finish and I may end up really down to just a few items, or rather, just one or two eyeshadow palettes, but I am enjoying how it is going. And if I use up too much, I can always start a different project in the future.

Long time no see!

I went back and took a look to see when my last post was and turns out it was June 24. That’s ages ago.

A lot has happened since then. Obviously.

Between June 24 and July 8 I think? I spent a bunch of time preparing for a wilderness trip that Mr. Ink and I took to Idaho. We had 6 days of white water rafting and camping in what was a complete getaway, no cell service to be found at all. We went with a bunch of family and their extended friend group. It was delicious. We regularly talk about how amazing the trip was, the scenery, the activities, and the getting away from it all. Just amazing.

Upon our return, we placed the foster dog we’d had for a couple months in her permanent home and decided to take a small foster break. At least, from fostering in our own home. We did, however, spend a lot of time volunteering for the rescue so that we were still quite involved.

There was the regular day to day life for a bit, in which work was very busy for me, and then our final trip of the year. We headed to new england to go to the wedding of a cousin. Another absolutely delightful trip which we were so glad to be at.

Upon our return from that, I had taken a little extra time off to do some chores (scraping and painting around the windows of the garage) but while some of that got done, I also came home with quite a head cold (not the C word, I did get tested.) so that really threw a wrench into the remaining vacation time. On the other hand, I could just be at home sick instead of trying to also navigate work so that was nice.

That brings us to about now. I really have done no crafting at all. A tiny bit of knitting on airplanes when the opportunity arose but by and large I am not finding myself to have any sort of crafting itch at all. And that’s ok! It may or may not return, and I am learning to be ok with that as well.

Tomorrow-a project pan update.