One row neckwarmer

A long time ago, when I first started spinning, I spun some really fluffy yarn. It was some of the squishiest and softest stuff ever, and I really liked the gentle carmel tones to it. In the past couple of years I’ve hoped to knit it into something. When I saw the one row scarf, I figured this would be the perfect pattern to showcase its softness and color.  So I balled it up, knowing what pattern I’d use. And then from that point on every time I cleaned or reorganized I’d move that ball of yarn and think “Boy, I really should knit that scarf.”  It just didn’t happen. Until this past weekend.

Unfortunately, I really didn’t have a lot of yarn, so it is more of a neckwarmer to be worn with a pin, but it is still lovely and soft and I think I can get some use out of it. Even better? I’ll never have to move that ball of yarn again!


I’ve finished my pyroclastic socks in March Hare.

The unusual foot makes for a lovely fit in the shoe. The yarn itself is very thin and will make for a great summer work sock.  These were an easy and addicting lace pattern, I’d consider doing them again.


I am working on catching up on the “Round the Twist” Glynis KAL. I’ve been quite behind, but I did manage to finish the first sock finally.  I’ll work on the other this weekend. The yarn is tempted glam grrl, so it has just a bit of silver sparkle. I love the color, but I realize it is basically the same color which I am using for the pyroclastic socks.

In other knitting news, I seem to be nigh on incapable of knitting anything but socks. I started a pullover yesterday and let me tell you… did not go well.  I really need to get my garment mojo back!

It took some time…

But I finished my latest pair of easy on the go socks.  If you remember, I finished the first sock during the month o’socks, but did not work on the pair again until recently.  After another full day conference and some knitting on the sly, I got them done. These are loosely based on the oak rib pattern from Vintage Socks, but they have a short row heel. The yarn is Opal.

I really prefer that short row heel with self striping yarns since you then do not get the strange thin bands of color over the gusset area.  My next pair of easy on the go socks are already on the needles.

Spinnin’ my Froggin’

I’ve been working on 8 oz. of merino from BMFA sheep to shoe kit, I am 1/3 done with the spinning portion of this and I figured it was high time to get a photograph. The colorway is “froggin” and I love the rich brown color in it.

This will be a 3 ply when I am done with it, but it will be quite awhile, I always forget just how long it takes to spin 8 oz. so thin!

Just one more sock?

Who am I kidding? I will always want to knit just one more sock…

I started the pyroclastic pattern on April 1, as my April sock knitters annonymous entry.  This is done from March Hare merino, and I think the subtle color variations are just lovely! The sock has an interesting toe, akin to the francies I love so much, so it provides such a nice fit around the ball of the foot!

Another worthy trade

While my brother and I were cleaning out my basement, we found the sad beginnings of a quilt I had begun to piece together a long time ago. I assure you I am no quilter, or even seamstress for that matter, so it ended up in a box in my basement.

Now, I’ve a mild obsession with box backs for my socks in progress. It seems I can’t get enough. This should come as no surprise, since I often have quite a few pairs of socks on the needles at once, all which serve different purposes.  I’d like to have enough box bags to house all my in progress socks.  (A mighty chore, I know!)

So, as my mom was looking at these strips of pretty fabric already pieced together, she thought it would make a good box bag. As I knew my friend Melissa had just conquered the sewing of a box bag, and I also knew she had her eye on some handspun, I asked if she’d make me a couple box bags in return for her favorite skein of handspun.  A worthy trade indeed, want to see my bag?

Isn’t that the prettiest thing? It is fully lined and serves my purposes perfectly. And it is repurposed from something I had done in the past. What a perfect little bag!

Spring Spinning

I’ve been doing more spinning than anything else lately, as is usual for me during the spring.  I finished a WIP, I’d done half of a lorna’s laces wool top a couple years ago and navajo plyed it.  I finished up the second half this week.

Unfortunately I cannot call the two halves matching, as in the last two years my navajo plying has gotten so much better that it is too noticeable to use the skeins together.  Can you tell which is which? I sure can.

I’ve just begun 8 ounces of a BMFA sheep to shoe kit, I’ll be doing that one in a traditional 3 ply. It may take some time, I haven’t tried to spin up 8 ounces all at once in about a year.

Another whirlwind project.

I am working on another entrelac scarf in noro silk garden. I have typically loved these projects because they knit up quick and the interest is kept due to color changes. I am struggling a bit more with this one than is typical, but I am going to blame this on Bug’s epic blanket and my strange desire to not knit at all lately.  I am about halfway done I think, and I have to admit it still is knitting up quickly!

Moderne Log Cabin

AKA Bug’s blanket.

I finally stopped messing around and began a blanket for Bug. I didn’t really want to do it, but it was a labor of love for her, as she is a kid who REALLY APPRECIATES a good blanket. And she wanted one from me.

As I was knitting it, I was concerned about how it pulled in different directions and looked misshapen. But I was assured by various people that all it would take was a soak in the water and the sheer weight of the blanket would even it out.  May I tell you they were ALL liars!  It took a really hard block to get this into a square shape.  I’d say the hardest block I’ve ever done.  After having spent so much time on it, I was so disappointed.  Fortunately, after the initial shock, I’ve discovered that it still looks good and makes a very serviceable blanket.

Mostly, I am just glad it is done.  And that no one is forcing me to do another.  Because…um….no.

The Bug and Chihuahuas

The Bug told me one day that she wanted a Chihuahua. I, being a very proud non pet owner, told her that Chihuahuas bite peoples ankles and pee on their legs.  This is not said to insult the breed as a whole, but to allow Bug to come around to my way of thinking.  And it worked.

Now, Bug has new neighbor friends, little girls across the street.  She spends a great deal of time there, and with their little dog Millie. Who happens to be a Chihuahua.  She hasn’t ever had any issues with the dog while she is with them, and isn’t the least bit nervous about Millie.

But this morning we were walking to school, and Millie was outside with the mother of the home. Millie wasn’t on her leash. And what did she do? She proceeded to run up to us and chew on our ankles.

And now my point is well proven.