
The last of the singles that have been sitting around for five months or so have been plied. These are from a fleece I purchased a few years ago. CVM Romeldale which is grey. I dyed some of the locks in greens and teals, then blended those with the undyed grey locks on my drum carder.


This made for a crazy bouncy yarn once spun on spindles and plied on the wheel. This is a two ply, I’d say DK weight. It is soft and fluffy, and really interesting. I think that I am constantly amazed at just how bouncy wool that I process from fleece turns out to be. I have 130 yards here, and a bunch more dyed locks and batts I’ve made in different colors in my stash. This was a test, and it tested well.

More Plying

I continued on my mission to ply all the singles laying around the house with this pink dyeabolical batt from a grab bag. While the last one was rather sloppily done, on purpose, this one was a more even yarn and the plying was naturally more even as well. That being said, the yarn happens to match the last one pretty well, so I plied it a bit loosely to mimic that.


It’s a rather bright pink, but I don’t think it is quite as pink as this picture shows. However, it’s tough to get a good picture of a shiny pink, and this one is pretty shiny.

I have 150 yards of 2 ply laceweight here, and I do think when I get around to using it, it will be combined with yesterday’s yarn in some unforeseen way.


I plied that huge hank of yarn this week, and then realized I had various bits of singles hanging around as well, so I decided to get those plied too before working on any newer spinning. These are not particularly large hanks, but it is still fun to finish them up.

The one I have to show off today is a dyeabolical batt that I received in a grab bag style. I don’t know how many ounces, maybe 2? The batt was fun, as batts are, but I did not spin it particularly consistently. Thus, when I plied, I was purposely careless. I figured the interest of the slubby yarn would just be enhanced by a less than perfect plying job. I ended up at 190 yards of 2 ply yarn. It’s pretty thin, ranging from lace to fingering weight  yarn.


I love the different colors and fibers in this one, it’s quite an interesting piece.



You know, the spinning of a full 8 oz is a long process, and sometimes it really wears me down. However, once I finish it, the really large skein of resulting yarn pleases me so very much!

I finished my 8 oz. of Crown Mountain Farms superwash merino in Sultans of Swing colorway. It took quite awhile to 3 ply it all, but the resulting yarn is pretty stunning.

890 yards of 3 ply laceweight yarn.

While I am not really into the idea of deciding what a handspun yarn will become before finishing, or even after, I do think this, paired with a plain brown laceweight, would make a fabulous striped sweater.

Finishing this one has made me eager to continue to finish. I’ve had a few sets of singles hanging around not done for quite some time, so I am determined to work on those and get them off my dresser in their holding pattern.

Weekend Weird

For the last few years, I’ve wanted to attend the Pedaler’s Jamboree in Columbia, MO. This bike ride is on the MKT and KATY trail, every memorial day weekend. On Saturday the riders leave Columbia and make their way the 32 miles to Boonville, MO. Along the way there is live music to stop and enjoy. In Boonville that evening there are more live bands, and then on Sunday the riders head back to Columbia, again enjoying live music along the way.

This year, Mr. Ink and I were able to attend. It was very exciting for me. To be honest, I had anticipated that the bands would be local, and only marginally good. That was not the case AT ALL. The bands were fabulous, and the trail was flat, and it made for a great weekend. The ride brought out all types of riders, which was also great fun. In addition to the great music, there was fabulous people watching to be had.

We started out rather late, as it was raining on our ride over and we didn’t feel the need to start riding in that. However, we drove through the storm and out the other side. We got on the trail and it wasn’t many miles before we saw a random stop with a bunch of local friends who had traveled to the ride too.


While there, it began to rain, so we decided to ride on after donning rain jackets. We wanted to make it to Rocheport in time for William Elliot Whitmore.

In Rocheport, my feet looked like this:


Thankfully, I have fenders, so unlike many people on the trail that day, I lacked the telltale grey stripe up my backside. Our bikes were pretty dirty too, as were our faces.


But, our mood was high, and there were smiles all around. And we were there with plenty of time to see William Elliot Whitmore, up close and personal.


After the show, everyone got on their bikes and rode away, so we stuck around to meet him. And then off to the KATY roundhouse for Dirtfoot. Not only was Dirtfoot our favorite show of the day, being as it was very different than most of the bands available to see, very punky, but it also had such characters!


This guy was hoola hooping all over the place, in quite shiny shorts. In fact, there were a ton of hula hoopers, but not all of them were right out front constantly.


Then there were those in costume, fighting each other.



After Dirtfoot, we cruised on through to Boonville, where 5 more bands were playing. However, we only saw a small portion of SHEL, after we got showered, changed, and had a picnic dinner in the hotel. Then we saw about a song from the headliner, but we decided we were just too tired to even deal with being out anymore, so we called it a night quite early.

And up early the next morning as well, where the day dawned hot and humid. We headed back to Rocheport to see Old Salt Union, which was a band I was impressed with when looking them up. Great musicians all, and a fun show.


The characters were out again, and I was glad because I’d been trying to get a picture of this helmeted character all day Saturday. He wore his helmet through every show, and on Saturday had a rubber lobster pinned to his jeans.


Sunday he was sporting a rather long plant from his helmet as he danced with random people.

After the Old Salt Union show, we decided we were rather tired of the music, and ended up climbing up the bluffs to a winery off the trail.


I am not going to tell you that the wine was good, but the walk was absolutely beautiful, so it was worth it despite the humidity.

Id’ say that this ride was completely attainable for anyone who wanted to give it a try and has a bike appropriate for a rails to trails type trail. (A road bike in the rain would have been a miserable thing.) The trail is very flat, so the challenge is simply the miles. It was nice to be on a ride where all levels were clearly included, and there were so many children in trailers or tagalongs, or riding on their own. The event was pretty fluid overall, the bands didn’t exactly start on time. So, if you are trying to maintain a certain schedule it might not work perfectly. In the end, we picked a few certain bands to see, and then concentrated on getting there for those shows. It worked well. I often tell newer riders that when riding an organized ride, you ride the day you get, not necessarily the day you want. That was certainly the case with Saturday. Riding in the rain really isn’t something I love, but thankfully it was warm enough to stay enjoyable. But, to some extent, these types of rides are a gamble. You sign up, and hope for the best. We may not have had the best, but we had good enough weather to make for an enjoyable day.

Conclusion? I need a helmet like this:




After beginning this post, I had an experience that floored me. And yet, the title of the post still stands. This experience is something I immediately wanted to post about.

There’s a guy I’ve been working with for the past 7 or 8 yrs. I have to admit, I don’t care for him, and on multiple occasions I’ve been quite difficult with him. Whether that difficulty has been because I’ve felt the need to set boundaries or because I am feeling obstinate, well, the reasoning might change, but I was often aware that I was being difficult. Often, I was certain that he too was being deliberately difficult. So, my relationship with this person has been tenuous at best.

However, a few years back his wife had twins, and they were born very early. I don’t remember the stats, but early enough to be quite alarming. In empathy of such a difficult situation, I knit premie hats for them. While I was knitting, I was certain that those hats would be too small. No baby could ever be THAT small and survive. I gave him the hats, and he reported back that the little girl’s head was far too small for the hat at that point. That tiny little hat was just too big.

Fast forward a couple years, the kids are growing up and doing well and thriving despite their early start. And it is now time for him to move on, so they are packing up all their stuff. He’s revolving out of this work and on to something new. Today he came in, itty bitty premie hat in hand, sat down, and said “We were packing stuff last night and we came across this. I just wanted to bring it in to show you. Do you remember this? Do you remember how tiny she was and how this hat was too big for her? Do you remember that time?” And I knew. I knew that this was his way of saying “I appreciate the care you showed me during that time. I appreciate that gift.” It broke my heart, in a good way.

There’s so much talk about selfish knitting, and knitting for only those who deserve it. And, I often agree with it. I am not going to go out and knit large items for people I barely know. But really, premie hats? It took me an evening to make them. But the gesture was so much bigger than my time spent on them, and so much more appreciated. It was so nice to have that come back to me in some way. It was nice to realize that.

OK-enough with the navel gazing. On to business.

My life has revolved around a couple things this week. Cleaning up from previous trips, prepping for the next, work, and plying. I feel like I’ve had very little time to devote to the plying, but still managed to fill a bobbin in two days, so there’s that.


This seems to be showing a lighter section of yarn, though there are some deeper areas buried underneath that top layer. I can’t wait to get it off the bobbin and finish it. However, I know that I’ve got another bobbin full of singles sitting around, so it may be awhile.

It is nice to feel like I can spin again. I was so involved in knitting there for awhile, that spinning just didn’t get done. I’ve got at least 3 other yarns to ply after this is done, which means I’ll actually have spinning content if I just get down to business.

Have a lovely weekend all!


Off Again

Only a few days after our Utah trip, we were off on another day trip. We drove about 2 hours to a state park for a local unsanctioned mountain bike race. Mr. Ink raced, and while I’d considered doing so myself, chose not to due to a really poor performance on the local dirt trails a couple days before. My body was shot from the Utah trip and I hurt all over.

However, we decided to make a day of it. First the race, then a picnic, and then some hiking on the trails. We took Miss Bug and the dog, who is an old boy at 16. But, he’s still quite spry despite a bit of arthritis, and he’s a gentle sweet thing.


Into the car he went, in the back seat with Miss Bug, who decided to allow him to play Barbies with her. She’d hold up two outfits, and whichever outfit the dog would put his nose on would be the chosen outfit.


And thus, she was royally entertained on the drive.

Now, this lovely dog, while always patient with Miss Bug, hasn’t been overly loving toward her. He’s kind of skeptical toward her. However, Miss Bug decided he was “her” dog during the race, and walked him around for over an hour, where ever he wanted to go.



Meanwhile, I did some spinning, and watched the racers come through.


After that, Miss Bug was rewarded wholeheartedly in the car by a dog that wanted to get all the way up on her lap, though he only managed about halfway. She couldn’t have been more thrilled.


And thus, their friendship was solidified before we even headed out to hike.


On the ride home, I fought to stay awake, while Mr. Ink snoozed and Miss Bug doted on the dog some more. Once home, I was in need of one epic nap.








A whole mess of singles! I’ve finished the spinning of 8 oz. of crown mountain farms superwash merino. I must say, I prefer the singles to the wool, so I am hoping a lovely 3 ply will really make this yarn amazing.


Yes, I spun this on spindles and on the wheel. I just figured that any time I could dedicate toward spinning on a full 8 oz was good, and I wasn’t going to discriminate about HOW that got done. Though it did make me realize that I am still a much much better wheel spinner than I am a spindle spinner. My wheel spun yarns are so consistent and fabulous. My spindle spun yarns are far less consistent. Though that may be more an issue of my own very critical eye. That being said, I am sure that when I combine them all, it will work out to be perfectly lovely and serviceable yarn.

For those of you who have spun crown mountain farms before, you know that there’s a side of it that is more saturated than the other. That’s the case with every crown mountain farms I’ve ever got my hands on. If you split it down the middle, you’ll have a light side and a dark side. To counteract that, I just pulled strips out of the bunch randomly, mixing the light and the dark all together. So, we’ll see how that works out. That being said, I now wish to get my hands on some crown mountain farms that I spun from one end to the other, chain ply, and see how an overall gradient of the colors worked out. But, with them being out of business, that may never happen for me.

How about you, if you are a spindle and wheel spinner, do you find you get more consistency with one over the other? And if so, which one, and which have you been doing longer?


Vacation Wrap Up

I’d had so much more fear on my vacation than I ever thought I could handle. My two major fears are heights and snakes. I had my fill of heights, so it made me very happy to realize I’d gone an entire vacation in the desert without seeing a snake. However, I did see the most fabulous lizards! I’d heard that lizards can get quite large on the mesa, but I didn’t see large ones. Only small and extremely fast ones. I kept trying to get pictures, but it didn’t really happen. Thankfully, once Mr. Ink’s brother heard that I was disappointed about not seeing as many lizards as I’d like, he was on a mission to get a few pictures.


This guy was really small. This is a picture taken in Zion park, but the same type I was seeing on the mesa I believe.

Then in Red Canyon we saw this one.


And again at Zion:


I am sure if we’d been looking in the right places, we’d have seen even more. They were really wonderful.

After our hiking in Zion, we headed to Las Vegas for the night. I have to admit, I was so exhausted from the trip that I didn’t want to go out. I crashed on the car ride to Vegas and was still super sleepy. However, the hotel had a hot tub, and the weather was warm, unlike the weather in Utah. So Mr. Ink convinced me to soak in the hot tub. While that was happening, one of the brothers procured me a bottle of bourbon, and thus energized, we headed to the old Vegas. After so many days in nature, everything was a bit overstimulating. But, we wandered about, did a bunch of walking and talking and goofing off, then noticed a little restaurant called Nacho Mamma. We had to try it. And, thus, we had the culinary highlight of our trip, two big plates of amazing nachos.



We all stayed up quite late our last night of vacation, and it was entirely worth it.

On the way to the airport, Mr. Ink and I joked about us being the only couple who would go to Vegas, never see the strip, and do absolutely no gambling. However, at the airport he decided to play some slots. He put $10 in and walked away with $30 in his pocket, so that went well.

And now for your crafting photo of today. This is the lintilla shawlette. I started it before I left. I worked on it only in the airport and on the plane. I felt like I didn’t get much done at all, but in the end my progress was more than I expected. I’ve not touched it since vacation, so it just sits at this point.


Hiking, day #4

After handing in our bikes, we headed to Zion National Park for camping and hiking. We got our spot, and I was surprised to realize quite suddenly that if the option is primitive camping involving very few people, or camping that has the comfort of real bathrooms, but surrounded by people, I am choosing the primitive camping.

Mr. Ink, somewhat annoyed that our head seemed lower than our feet on the mesa, made sure we didn’t make that mistake again.


We were soon set up, though a bit squished in a tiny camp site.


There were so many people, and a couple campsites over, a number of very young children. (I might add that there is a rule that you are not to have more than 6 people per site, an there were more than 6 children alone at that site.) This may have been one of the reasons I struggled with this type of camping. It was extremely loud.

There were also other visitors.


These mule deer were very friendly and had no trouble grazing among the sites.

The rough night was tempered though, by the first view from the tent in the morning. I opened the door to this:


Really spectacular.

I made the joke that the park was the Las Vegas of nature, as we headed up on a shuttle to do some hiking. Because of our thunder mountain experience, we decided we didn’t need anymore extreme hiking, so we chose moderate hikes instead. I did not feel in danger on these hikes, and the views were spectacular. I took pictures, but it seems like all of mine just don’t capture what it was actually like. However, when we were through with hiking and wandering around the gift shop before heading back to Las Vegas, I told Mr. Ink that I REALLY must come back.  I absolutely did not get enough of hiking and I hoped for more someday in the future.

And I finally leave you with one picture of spinning. Spinning I’d been working on a bit during the vacation. Pictured with a spindle bowl I picked up in Zion National Park.


The fiber is crown mountain farms superwash wool. I have a totaly of 8 oz, and have been working on it pretty consistently since my return. It seems I might actually have yarn to show off at some point, if we’d quite traveling!

I’ll have a vacation wrap up post tomorrow. And then we can get on to that which I’ve been doing since then.






Biking, day 3. Mashed potatoes

After the crazy thunder mountain experience having taken a bit longer than expected, we decided to dine at a restaurant rather than worry about cooking back at camp. After that was done, and we were headed back toward the mesa, we realized there was a large storm rolling in. And indeed, we drove through it on the way to the mesa. It had continued to grow, and while the mesa was at that time dry, the 30-40 mph winds were making our tents flat, filling them with red sand, and driving them toward the ledge of the mesa. Between that and the storm, we decided to break camp and catch a hotel in town. We broke camp in record time, I suspect 10 minutes, and packed up the car as the first drops of rain fell.

Safely tucked away in a hotel, it was a great relief to get a hot shower and a good nights rest.

In the morning, I must admit I wasn’t overly eager to get back on my bike. We were headed out to do J.E.M. trail, and I volunteered to SAG. Mr. Ink was worried I’d regret the decision, so I told him that I’d meet them where the trail crosses the road next, and he could tell me if it was something that just could not be missed. Apparently it was, so we headed back up the hill, I got on my bike, let one of the other guys SAG, and I had an absolutely lovely ride on the trail. It was MY kind of riding. The kind where it is like comfort food, like eating mashed potatoes. I could have ridden that trail all day and was, indeed, sad not to get more time with it.

You can’t really see them, but the guys are riding out on the high point here:


Then, I headed out, and snapped this shot before a few switch backs I had to walk. I had to walk them, but they weren’t scary like the previous day’s switchbacks.


Partway down the trail I saw this trail marker. It’s lovely, but it also struck me as funny, as it seemed more appropriate for yesterday’s trail.


We then headed back up to the mesa since there were some trails we hadn’t played around on up there. I had high hopes for them, but between the 3 solid days of riding and the winds over the top of the mesa, I just wasn’t feeling it. Eventually I headed back to the car to wait it out.

We soon handed in our bikes. The guy at the bike shop asked how it went. I told him “I think Thunder Mountain left me psychologically scarred.” His retort? “So you had a great ride then!”




Biking day 2, where it gets real.

We loved camping on the mesa so much that we decided to leave our tents set up, and head up to Bryce Canyon area to ride a trail called Thunder Mountain. The idea was that we’d ride that trail, then drive back, grab supplies, and head up to the mesa for dinner.

With this group, it was very pleasant because we just weren’t in a huge rush in general.  No particular time frame, just when everyone was up and around, we’d head out. It was about a 2 hour drive up to the trail, and we all got pretty hungry at that point. So we stopped at a cafe with a most unusual sign.


Turns out, the history of the place was a lot more tame than this suggests. The founder didn’t have room on his sign for “Home Made Pies” and thus the other spelling was created. It didn’t become odd and controversial until just recently. However, they chose to capitalize on that, rather than change the history.

As is the case all over the area, Red Canyon did not lack for views. As soon as we got there I was out of the car and snapping photos of hoodoo. In all honesty, I’ve seen pictures but never imagined I’d see them in person. So this was quite exciting for me.

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The idea was that we’d do the trail in a loop. We’d ride up 5 miles on the paved trail that follows along the road, ride another 2 miles to the trailhead on gravel, and then ride down Thunder Mountain.

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As you can see, all that went smoothly. In fact, I was loving it. Easy comfortable riding uphill for me, on a day that was not too warm, and I was dressed just appropriately.

What we expected to have happen was to basically ride down a mountain. Now, we should have been alerted to the fact that our expectations and reality weren’t matching up when we’d heard it would take us 3-4 hours to complete the loop. I mean, that doesn’t sound like bombing down the side of a mountain. But, our expectations were high, and our awareness not so much.

What we got into was a mess. A mess with gorgeous views. It was switchbacks down the side of a mountain just to return up another mountain, cross over and do that again, repeatedly. The trail was very loose stone, steep, with steep drop offs. Absolutely terrifying for me, a person who really hates heights. As we went along, me often walking my bike down the mountain only to ride up the other side when I felt more in control, I thought “It really can’t get any worse than this.” And quite frankly, the beauty sustained me.

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And then we got to some of the highest out in the open heights. At this point, we were riding through hoodoo, which was exciting, but also terrifying.


Meanwhile, the winds picked up. We were now under a wind advisory. 30-40 mph winds. Which would really hit you if there weren’t trees or a mountain to block it out. We finally made it to White Point, and enjoyed the most beautiful view from the top of a mountain. You can really see how each peak can be totally different from the one next to it.

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And then, as it was getting darker and stormy and the winds just wouldn’t quit, we had to continue on. I had thought it couldn’t get worse, but then there was the knife edge, a thin trail on the top of a ridge with drop offs on each side full of loose stone. Mr. Ink ended up coming back to take my bike so I could just concentrate on walking it. Pretty soon after, he returned around a corner, telling me he had good news and bad news. The good news was that we were headed down the mountain again, the bad news was that I wasn’t going to like it. Again with the terror, the walking my bike, the trail on the side of a mountain cliff with a drop off on the other side. Switch backs all the way down that mountain finally putting us in a river bed, much to my relief. And then we had the most fantastic mile of downhill biking, my kind exactly, back to the vehicle for a strong finish.

I got more than I bargained for that day. But, it also reminded me that if I stay in my comfort zone, I’ll miss the most beautiful views. And, that’s how I want to live my life. Maybe not as extreme as this experience on a regular basis, but I do want to push my limits where I can and enjoy the new views I’ve achieved.
















3 days of biking, day 1

We had our rental bikes for 3 days. Our first day, we were on a mesa and we were able to ride around the slickrock up there. There were many trails, and they were a bit confusing. Our bikes were full suspension which isn’t something I love, but it is nice, very nice, on the unforgiving slickrock. That being said, when you take a tumble, the rock is still unforgiving.


In between all the rocks were some sandy bits of trail, and they looked like they’d been landscaped all around the trail. The vegetation was so beautiful there, as was the red dirt. I did not find it particularly easy to ride on the slickrock, and would have needed more time there to get used to all this. However, what I did ride, I very much enjoyed even though I often got off my bike and walked as well. The trails would take us out to various points on the edge of the mesa, affording us some amazing views.

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I don’t much like heights (actually, I am quite fearful of them) and so I tended to try to stay away from the edges as much as possible. But, since everything was wide open, I could generally get some good photos anyhow. We had this photo taken of us while we were out there.


We then did some easier double track riding. I’d describe it much like gravel riding with large slabs of slickrock thrown in. This was much more to my taste, especially since we started by going uphill. I like my uphills quite a bit. And in fact, I only barely registered that we were going uphill for such a long while, so the downhill became quite a surprise. At one point, Mr. Ink and his brother decided to try a more complicated trail, while I and the other brother decided to take the easier way down, flying down the hill we’d climbed earlier, jumping off slickrock ledges that had been hazards on the way up. Great fun! I was ready to turn around and do that one again. When we met up again, the first larger injury of the weekend had been achieved. I’d already fallen, but my scrapes were pretty minimal. Mr. Ink ran into a tree pretty hard.


Thankfully, the swelling went down by the next morning, no harm done. Pretty fantastic stuff, and so completely unlike anything I’d ridden before. I biked in New Mexico last fall, but even that was more sand, with just a bit of the slickrock thrown in. This was completely unknown riding to me. Unable to get enough of the views and the terrain, Mr. Ink and I took a long walk after dinner as the sun was setting, wandering off the trails and into the wilderness of the mesa. After that, we sat around the fire in exhaustion enjoying nature at its finest.

Not a lot of knitting was done

In my last post, I talked a bit about an upcoming vacation. I took a spindle, some wool, and the lintilla shawlette to work on. Knowing full well that time to work on them would be extremely limited, and that I had so much other stuff to pack, I packed quite light.

Because THIS vacation had nothing at all to do with fiber arts. It was a different kind of vacation for me. Mr. Ink and I went with his two brothers to Utah to do some mountain biking, hiking, and camping. We rented full suspension mountain bikes, and a large vehicle, packed all our gear in there, and had at it. It really was a wonderful trip, full of fantastic views and amazing experiences. I think I’ll take a couple days and try to some up some of the trip, and post a few pictures.

We flew into Las Vegas and met the guys there. We immediately left for St. George, Utah, where we grabbed a hotel room for the night, then off to Hurricane, Utah to pick up our bikes.


From there, we headed up to Gooseberry Mesa to do some primitive camping and mountain biking. We were fortunate to find a fantastic camp sight that would fit all our tents, as well as the vehicle. I expected it to be quite busy up there, due to the weather being amazing, but really there weren’t many campers. We chose a spot right on the ledge of the Mesa, making for some fantastic views.

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We did a bunch of biking, and I have some pictures of that I am saving for another time. However, the views above? That’s what I was able to sit and look at during the evening while I spun on my spindle. It was quite blissful.

While spring is only beginning here, in Utah, everything was blooming beautifully.

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Not only was everything blooming, but there were hummingbirds all over, drinking from the flowers. As we rode along the slickrock of the mesa, it almost looked as if it had been landscaped, so beautiful was the vegetation. There were tiny little lizards running along the slickrock. I so badly wanted pictures, but was unable to capture them as they were just too fast.

Tomorrow, more views and some description of our first day of biking.










Last year I knit a lintilla shawlette out of handspun. I knit it while I was on vacation at my parent’s house. I finished it up once I got home, and it was just gorgeous. I then went on vacation in New Mexico that fall, and I gave away that shawlette to my cousin. I knew she’d wear it well and it would look amazing on her. However, I am still in love with the pattern and the shawlette.

While I was on vacation in New Mexico, I spun on my Julie Spins Merino Silk blend. I ended up with a 3 ply laceweight. It was also just gorgeous.

Well, while I was thinking about what I would need to pack as an easy project for an upcoming vacation, I thought what better pairing than a lintilla with the julie spins merino/silk yarn? It will be easy to knit on, easy to carry, and then I’ll have a shawl of beauty once I am done.


My small beginnings. I am now in a nice rhythm and will have no trouble traveling patternless.

Maxnome Foe

I have a project I’ve been working on. It’s the Multnomah shawlette out of handspun. The handspun is a 2 ply sort of laceweight. It’s bfl/silk, and the colorway was maxnome foe from one of dyeabolical’s unclubs. You might remember it from when I began the magrathea shawlette. However, I ended up ripping that out completely due to my inability to read the pattern. (That’s a bit of a theme lately.)

I ended up having plenty of yarn for a couple extra repeats, and so I improvised quite a bit. The results are quite stunning, muted in a beautiful way.

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I’ve started a few other things too, and I can’t wait to show you them. It helps that I am no longer sick and miserable, the whole world seems like a better place!