Month O’Socks day #14

Today is the official halfway point for month o’socks. I am evaluating my progress today and trying to get a handle on my goals. While I had extra knitting time this past week, that will end tomorrow. Progress will now slow down majorly. I think it is reasonable to expect to finish Nick’s socks, the Wanida socks, and the Christmas stocking. I will then be forced to work on the Lissajous stockings, but it will take a small miracle to actually complete them. Not to mention my avoidance due to the possibility of running out of yarn. It will be interesting to see where I stand at the end of month o’socks.

Nicks Wedge socks are coming along swimmingly. I’d like to have them completed and in the mail tomorrow, not sure I can make it, but I’ll try. I finished the toe of the first and am about to start the heel of the second.

Obviously this is where the bulk of the progress has been made.  Meanwhile, though I promised I’d knit a heel flap on the Wanida socks, that didn’t exactly happen. Mostly because I did not have the pattern book with me, and couldn’t figure out the heel flap without it. I thought I could, but I was mistaken. So instead I began the heel flap on the Christmas stocking, but quite frankly, that really is only a few rows long itself.

I did make decent progress on the Lillia Hyrna shawl though, managed to get to the second contrast color section. Already the rows are very long, but I think it will be both stunning and rustic once it is complete.

OK-back at it, I’ve a wedge sock to complete!

Month O’Socks day #13

A long haul was done on Nick’s socks, but sock #1 not complete yet. Curses to big feet! I am almost at the point where I need to start the toe, which means I need to do a little reconnaissance work, due to the directions confusing me.

I really hope I am able to figure out the toe instructions since this knit has been so awesome so far. I also REALLY hope they fit!

To rest my hands from time to time, I worked on my Lillia Hyrna shawl, a few rows progress, but not much.

That is it! I have vowed to work on the heel flap of my wanida socks before the next blog post, let’s hope I can stick to that goal!

Month O’Socks day #12

I’ve strayed from the course a bit, in interest of keeping my poor hands healthy. They are actually feeling much better today, and I think we can thank the size 10 needles and this:

A sixth falling snow stocking, which is quickly becoming the traditional Christmas stocking for new family members. I suspect this is one of two that I will have to knit this year.

I also pulled out a project which I have previously kept quiet. I started it quite some time ago, but needed to finish more spinning so I could continue. It is the Lillia Hyrna shawl from Knitters Book of Wool.  The lighter color is my handspun alpaca/cormo/silk 2 ply, and the darker color just added is 100% camel handspun 2 ply. I’d say the lighter color is about a sock weight, so I say it counts for month o’socks.

And finally, I did do a bit of work on Nick’s Wedge socks. Which are awesome! The construction thrills me, a very interesting knit.

I am saving the rest of the Christmas stocking until my hands ache again. I need to make the heel next. So the wedge socks are the socks of the hour today.

Month O’Socks day #11

A finished object! Finally. My Rock and Weave socks are complete. Yarn is blue moon fiber arts socks that rock mediumweight in colorway faulty dyer. I think this is just a most stunning color combination.

Now, I must say, if one is going to knit socks that require buttons, one must choose the most whimsical buttons one can find!

I am really proud of the button choice, I never imagined I’d find buttons that match so many of the color tones so well. The socks fit well and would be a great choice of a summery sock, since they feel light on my feet due to being anklets, and the cuff is not at all tight.

After I finished these, I strayed from the plan just a bit. Nick has asked for another pair of socks, and so I came by a skein of Korpii (also BMFA socks that rock mediumweight) and decided to start the wedge socks from Knit. Sock. Love. I’ve had my eye on the interesting short row construction so decided to give it a go. I think they will make fine manly socks.

Sadly, my hands have just about had it, and I am going to have to start on the bulky christmas stocking now. I need to be using needles that are large and yarn that isn’t quite so tight of a knit. So the wedge socks are going to have to take a back seat for a day or so.

Month O’Socks Day #10

Only one pic for you today, but don’t worry, tomorrow I’ll be on to another pair again and can show you something new.

I’ve finished one of the Rock and Weave socks, the second pair needs a heel. I also purchased buttons for them, but I am going to save that little surprise for the FO post.

Month O’Socks Day #9

And on that day, there was a finished object:

My handspun lacy baktus scarf is complete. It has all the charm of noro if you ask me, thick areas, thin areas, but the colors are good.  Oddly it is also a little “cottony” feeling even though it is merino wool.  I believe that the wool top originally came from Lorna’s Laces, colorway circus. At 5oz. and then some, it makes for an ample scarf even as a 3 ply yarn.  This is my second baktus scarf, but neither are for me. So the color I have on the wheel right now? That one will be all my own.

I also began my Rock and Weave socks. I’ve finished both linen stitch cuffs. This is the first time I’ve done linen stitch, and while knitting it, all I could think is that the pattern would make a fantastic scarf.  I intend to consider that in the near future. After month o’socks of course!

It really is a fantastic stitch pattern for busy hand dyed yarn.

Month O’Socks day #7

I spent a good long time spinning yesterday, so less progress overall for a weekend day. And now that we are back in the work week, and because my schedule this week is busy, I suspect my socks will slow down considerably.

First up, the lissajous sock. I’ve chosen to show the back side again, since that is where all the action is taking place. I’ve finished all the calf decreases and have about 4 inches of pattern knitting to do before starting the back of the leg/heel diamond motif.

Now that the week has begun, I’ve taken up my wanida socks again. I have finished the leg of the sock and gotten everything prepared for the heel. And those of you who have knit the wanida know full well this is the most difficult part of the entire sock due to some undocumented errata.

And just for consistency’s sake, I’ve added the prerequisite handspun scarf pic.

Day #6, Month O’Socks

I cannot deny it, mad progress made on my stocking. I am showing off the back since I managed to finish the entire calf gusset area and it is too pretty to hide. I am now working on the decreases for the remainder of the leg.

Now that I have a picture, I can see that there is subtle striping in the colorway. I don’t think it is at all noticeable while I am knitting it.

I also finished spinning a hank of laceweight yarn. This is camel fiber I picked up at IA sheep and wool festival. It is gloriously soft, indescribably soft. I am very eager to knit with it!

I haven’t counted yardage yet but it is 2 ply. It was a slippery spin and needed some very fast twist, but the results are stunning!

I did make a few rows of progress on the baktus, but it really has been put on the back burner for the stocking

Month o’socks day #5

Fortunately, I’ve limited the scope of my projects to two today and have less to show you!

The big progress has been made with the lissajous stocking. In fact, the first diamond motif is complete. Which means tomorrow I can show you the calf gusset on the other side!

And again I’ve worked a bit on the handspun scarf. Slow and steady wins the race. Or so they say. As usual I’ve added a stitch marker for where I left off yesterday

I did get a bunch of spinning done today. Or rather plying. So if I am ambitious this evening, I could get a skein of 2 ply camel done to show off tomorrow. But no promises…..

Month O’Socks day #4

Decent progress made today. But no spinning!

I think the best progress has been on my stockings. Now that they are started, I am really getting into the groove of it and enjoying them.

You can really see the pattern now, and I am loveing how it looks!

I had about an hour to work on Wanida today, so a little progress there. These are tempting to finish up this weekend.

A few rows done on the handspun scarf, again I put a marker where I left off.

And I had about an hour to work on the hermoine’s everyday socks.

Finally, I got a lovely little surprise in the mail yesterday that I wanted to show off. It is a noro scarf made by a dear friend of mine for the facebook pay it forward challenge.  It is lovely and matches so much of what I wear. I didn’t miss the chance to wear it today!

Month o’socks day #3

Since I had company last evening, and spent my evening spinning instead of knitting, again progress has been a little slow. I did wake up at 4:30 a.m. to catch a little extra knitting time today though, and that has made up for a bit of it.

A bit of progress made on the handspun baktus, I again marked with a row marker where I began yesterday afternoon post picture.

My Lissajous socks feel like they’ve gotten an appropriate start. Still slow going, but discernable progress now.

Today I forgot to bring my Wanida socks to work, so instead I was stuck knitting the hermoine everyday socks. I have a 2 hour meeting tomorrow in which I should be able to make good progress on these!

And just for fun…2 lovely bobbins of the softest fiber I’ve ever spun. Camel. It is so pretty in its natural state. I may just get started on the plying of this tonight.

The one where Shells tries to look fierce

And fails.

So, I was asked to knit the dwarven battle bonnet. With horns. And because it seemed like an interesting request, and because Sarah was also making one, I agreed.  My request included much hair on the beard portion, rather than just a plainly knit beard. And I obliged. In a rather big way. I knit the simple beard and then attached fringe all over it. I also braided various portions of the beard.

I cannot properly explain how much I loved this project. I love the result and I had to get a shot of me in it. Looking fierce. Even though that didn’t work out so well.

And aren’t you lucky? You get two blog posts in one day since I promised to post month o’sock pics daily!

Month O’Socks day #2

Not as much progress as I had hoped due to a pact with myself about deep cleaning and a child in a bad mood. 3 projects made some progress.

I cast on and knit 2 rows of the Lissajous socks. Let me tell you, that alone took hours. Seriously.   Not a pattern for a quick sock.

I did a few rows on the handspun lacy baktus, I put a marker where I was yesterday in order to track progress.

And I finished one of the Wanida socks and started the second.

After looking at these pictures, I realize my earlier frustration is probably unwarranted. Much was accomplished after all.

Today We Begin Month O’Socks

This is the third year of month o’socks and the rules have changed a bit to accomodate an evolving group of knitters. This year, we can knit socks, we can knit with sock weight yarn, and we can knit christmas stockings.  I intend to do all three.

My other goal is to post progress pictures daily. It will be interesting to see how these projects grow from day to day. So to begin with, I will post each project I intend to work on during this month.

First up is the Wanida socks from the Cookie A. book “Sock Innovations.”  I started this month, and almost have sock 1 complete. The yarn is Koigu KPPPM.

I’ve got one sock complete and another started in Austermann Step, the pattern is Hermoine’s Everyday Sock. These are my easy knitting. Cheater socks. I am not sure they will get completed this month, but progress will be made on them.

I decided I wanted to knit with handspun this month, and so I will be working on a lacy baktus scarf out of navajo plied merino. I’ve begun the decreases, so it is just over halfway complete.

My pair of stockings for this month will be done out of wollmeise 100%. I’ll be knitting lissajous.

I needed to work on some socks that rock mediumweight yarn, so I thought I’d pull out the faulty dyer colorway and knit it into some rock and weave’s.

And finally, the stocking. Bulky wool of the andes from knitpicks will be used for yet another falling snow stocking, of which I have knit 5 already. There is a new family member expected and he/she shall need a stocking.

We will see where all this leads me and what I’ll manage to actually finish. During this time I have designated spinning time as well, and it would be just lovely to complete a hank of yarn too!


The Grand Unveiling

Of the long awaited box.

In 2007 I made an agreement with my dear friend Nick, to knit him a sock weight scarf designed by me. In return he would make me a wooden box to hold my needles.  I finished that scarf in early 2008, and sent it off.  Unfortunately, while Nick started my box ever so long ago, circumstances got in the way and the box was put on hold. And poor Nick had to suffer from years of teasing by both his mother and I about the incomplete box.

But, circumstances have again changed, and the box is complete. It has compartments on the bottom to hold my circular cables. Then on top of that resides a nesting box with 10 separate compartments, to hold my interchangeable needle tips.  It is made of mahogany and maple, with maple burl veneer for the lid.  The piece is simply stunning, and I am so lucky to know someone as talented as Nick.

You know what? This was totally worth the wait.

The Perfect Storm

There was a large storm out our way recently, one which kept Bug and I out of school and work for two days. While I am not sure being gone for two days was truly necessary, it was unavoidable.

During that time period, it seemed as if I managed to have “the perfect storm” of my own. A strange combination of manic, OCD, and the opportunity to make a little extra cash.

You see, I began crocheting food items at the request of a friend. Small food items which she intends to use in her daughter’s easter basket this year.  These are entirely done out of scrap yarn, leftovers I have around the house. Once I began, it got ugly quickly. I am talking yarn and yarn boxes all over the living room, crochet hooks being unearthed from the deepest depths of the house.  Dust bunnies stirred up from under the bed.  Yarn trailing all over the place. And my personal reaction was worse. I’d crochet until I was shaking, failing to eat a thing, or stop for a glass of water. Even when I realized just how ugly it was getting, I’d hurry up, make some food, do some dishes, and get back to it as fast as possible.  About midday I realized that I was grumpy, shaky, annoyed, etc. And then realized that I hadn’t even taken the time to shower. The obsession had a complete hold over me.

Fortunately I had the opportunity to get out of the house a bit, running a few errands and then spending some time with my knitting buddies. I didn’t even take my crochet hooks and yarn, I left it all in lieu of spinning. But that didn’t stop me from making “just one more” once I got home!!!

I didn’t blog until I had the entire collection done, and so now I will present it.


Breakfast items:



Felted Coasters

I don’t generally felt knitted objects. At least not on purpose! I’ve wondered for a long time why that is, but now I know.  I fear giving up control over my yarn. Once it is felted, I can’t repurpose the yarn or change the object. And that makes me nervous. But I was asked to make some felted coasters, so I thought I’d give it a try considering I was using scrap yarn.

Before Felting:

After Felting:

Yarn is knitpicks palette. I may do these again, and if so I may block the ends out more roundly. It did take quite a bit of blocking to get the middles flat, but they turned out lovely even so!

Juno Regina in Worsted

I’ve loved’s juno regina shawl for quite some time, but wasn’t ready to commit to laceweight or sock weight yarn. But I figured it couldn’t be too terribly hard to modify for a scarf. So I picked up some malabrigo rios and gave it a try.  In the end I believe I did 2 repeats of chart 2, 2 repeats of chart 3 and one repeat of chart 4. But I didn’t write it down, so I might be wrong. In any case, it is pretty easy to figure out as you are going along, you can see if the next chart won’t work out and you need another repeat of the one you are on.  I did the symetrical grafted version of the scarf.

My only regret is not having enough yarn for a really long scarf, since that is what my preference is.  But it did block out to a reasonably sized scarf.  This one is going to my mom, it will match the mittens I made her for Christmas, and she will now have a choice of scarves.

It looks perfect against the snowy landscape!