Totals and Plans

Last year my goal was to knit as much as I spun. But, I then decided I wanted to do better and tried to double the amount I knit to what I spun. I did well.

18.6 miles knit, 9.46 miles spun.

My rather large yarn stash was knit down fairly well, even with the yarn that arrived from Miss Marja or those rare times I found something I couldn’t resist. It’s now all in one cabinet. My fiber stash was pretty much decimated this year, and I’ve had to work to build that back up. I gave away a bunch of yarn that I wasn’t going to use to a coworker who built bird and small mammal houses with it for wildlife rescue organizations. I think that’s a great use of that which I was unlikely to ever dive into. She made it extra fun by bringing in what she crocheted to show me my yarn in the finished object.

This year the plan is to TRULY knit double what I spin in hopes to TRULY work on the stash. Meaning…if the yarn is purchased in 2018 and is knit in 2018 it doesn’t count. Only that which is knit from stash gets to count toward the knitting totals.

Other crafting goals this year…knit more garments. Knit them out of yarn I really like. Pick the pattern then pick a very appropriate yarn for the garment. And you know what? This is TOTALLY at odds with the above goal. Hah.

I worked yesterday on my lovely legends of the fall sweater out of koigu. In the ribbing portion, all 6 colors make an appearance. I’ve knit in 4 of the 6.


I am feeling slightly nervous about the color choices of yarns 5 and 6 so it would be good if I got a chance to knit those in today. Just to make sure. OR, just to say no and purchase something else.

But, we also need to go see a movie, as per Mr. Ink’s request. So, I plan to bring a sock along to work on through that.

A very happy new year friends, I am hoping the best things for your upcoming year.


First of all, the big news! Lizzie let me sleep in until 7:30 this morning!!! It was amazing! She generally has me up at 6 or 6:30. I couldn’t believe it. Another holiday miracle.

Of course, I’ve got a lot to do today and am a bit behind because I “lost” an hour.

I finished my singles yesterday as expected.


Miss Butterfly and I really did take the slowest day. It was very nice. Of course, at some point she got bored and told me that she’d like to go shopping after all. But I’d let Mr. Ink take the car that was in the garage and I did NOT feel like scraping the one in the driveway. Plus, we were experiencing “freezing drizzle” which…I don’t even know how that happens at 19F?…but I didn’t want to drive in it.

I didn’t begin to ply these, nor did I begin to knit my new sweater with the yarn I purchased for it the other day. I just worked on my new handspun scarf as that was the easiest option late in the evening. I’ll get the yarn wound for the sweater hopefully at some point today.

But, want to see that yarn?


The point of the sweater is to choose 6 yarns that are different colors, but fairly similar and then stripe them every 5 rows or so. This gives a sweater that looks striped and also not striped and very colorful and beautiful. I’ve seen them and I always love them. I’ve been drawn to peachy colors lately and I think that was reflected in my yarn choices here. I am so eager to see how this works up! But also, winding skeins to start has me uninspired. It’ll get done, soon.

Today is another full day. I am hoping we get out for some area rug shopping. Absolutely everyone is annoyed at the purple dust bunnies floating around the house and the fibers that stick to our clothing every time we sit down on the current stop gap rug. I am so hoping I can find something I really like!

Increasingly Difficult

The increasing difficulty has nothing to do with anything other than grabbing a decent photo of works in progress. I finally found that the backdrop of our siding seemed to show off the color of my spinning best. It isn’t pretty, but it’s a lot better than what happens when I put the project somewhere with snow as backdrop.


What is not proving difficult? Hanging with my kid this week. There’s the usual irritations of life with a teen, but I’d say after I removed sleep overs and friend gatherings (It helps that most friends are out of town) from the potential activities completely, what I am left with is a kid who also wants her vacation to be decent. So she too plans her day accordingly. I told her that we could go shopping today and she said “MOM! Seriously, even *I* am getting sick of shopping.” So we are staying in today. Or at least until Mr. Ink gets home. Naturally he was pleased to be able to take the nice warm car. We haven’t even turned on the TV once! Miss Butterfly has been doing puzzles, and taking baths using her new bath bombs, and I’ve been spinning, as you can see.

I am about halfway through the final bobbin for this spin, which means all in all this project hasn’t taken much time. I plan to finish spinning the bobbin, then let it rest before beginning to ply in order to start my legends of the fall sweater.

Ok back to it. We are vacationing so hard right now!

Cold Days

Today is balmy, a highly pleasant 21F. Isn’t it amazing how perspective changes the weather? It’s the warm before some very cold weather. In fact, I keep looking at the forecast for new year’s eve. I first noticed it when it was predicted to be -18 overnight. Now the prediction is -22. I am keeping an eye on it, but I don’t think we are going to go out that night at this point. Better to stay home and make sure everyone and the house is safe.

We’ve been starting off our mornings like this:


Miss Butterfly and I managed to get some errands run yesterday afternoon, and again this morning. And we baked. Homemade pita bread yesterday and some lovely time and labor intensive cookies today. Miss Butterfly is really into putting puzzles together right now, so we also picked up a couple puzzles for her. And we went to the yarn shop, where I purchased enough koigu kpppm for “Legends of the Fall” sweater. I can’t wait! My color choices are on the orange side, much to Miss Butterfly’s irritation. But, I am still eager to spin at the moment and haven’t would the yarn and cast on yet.

I had Miss Butterfly take a few photos of the hitofude.

It’s large and long and comfy and quite frankly extremely warm. The kind of sweater one throws on around the house to stay warm in this cold and it REALLY works. It’s also nicely work appropriate with proper pants. I really could see me knitting this again.

Back when I first met Mr. Ink his old dog Coco was not wanting to go out in the cold. At 15 and arthritic, he decided he was super over it. I knit him some booties, and it changed his cold weather life. Mr. Ink would put those on, and old Coco would prance around and go for walks with them on.

After Lizzie had 24 hours of limping after a cold weather walk, I asked Mr. Ink if he still had them. He did, and was easily able to pull them out of his desk drawer. I put them on her, and she spent 10 minutes making snow angels before we could even go for a walk yesterday!

She loves those booties! If we ever lose any, I’ll make the next ones out of fluorescent yarn though, as these are hard to see, and she does tend to lose them off her feet and they aren’t easy to see once they are gone.

It’s been a pretty fantastic vacation so far. We’ve been busy but quite happily so. Keeping busy at those things which keeps us a family as well.


Vacation Again!

Isn’t that wonderful?! One day of work and then more time off.

We had a slow day at work though it ended up being a bit busier than expected. I also was too warm all bundled up in my hand knits. Apparently the heat in the building was working just fine! It’s -8F this morning, so I am THRILLED to not have to run out in that cold! I’d generally be leaving for work right around this time. If it doesn’t warm up a bit it’s unlikely I’ll leave the house at all today.

Lizzie Bean took 3 steps out into the cold this morning, turned back around and decided she could hold it. Even she was unimpressed. But, here’s some cute pictures of her from yesterday. This didn’t happen when I was home, Miss Butterfly and her friend captured these. They heard her scritching around near the front door and couldn’t figure out what was going on. When they went over there, they realized that the dog that refuses to use a dog bed had made herself a bed out of my woven rug.

Such a goofy little rascal!

I did manage to grab a quick photo of a bobbin yesterday by sticking my hand out the front door and taking a photo from inside.


The entire bobbin seems to be bathed in the warm glow of late afternoon sunset. One bobbin down, 2 to go! I am actually about a third of the way through bobbin 2 at this point.

I had a whole list of errands and tasks for Miss Butterfly and I today. Pita bread making, cookie baking, yarn shop hopping, but if we don’t get a break in the cold not much of it will happen. (The baking requires a trip to the store.) Cross your fingers for 10F today. I could manage 10F.


One handknit wool sweater, one handknit wool hat, one pair of handknit wool socks, one pair of handknit wool gloves and one very large coffee are what is getting me through this one degree day, my one and only day of work this week.

Precisely one other person is at work with me. There’s no one else here. It’s VERY quiet. And it’s pleasantly warm in the building.

On Christmas morning, Mr. Ink and I got up and did our personal holiday tradition. Miss Butterfly is always at her father’s home so we get to make ourselves funnel cake!


It was absolutely delicious. Light and fluffy and amazing. Lizzie even got a few scraps.

We had a quiet day. I took Lizzie for a cold cold walk. I listened to A Christmas Carol on audiobook, something that really needs to become a tradition. I spun the first bobbin of the second 3 braid combo spin. I had a nice nap.

At some point, during some indoor play, Lizzie hurt her paw. She’s now limping and I am not sure what the problem is. I didn’t step on her, and it’s not her leg that’s the issue. I’ve done everything I can to make sure it’s not a piece of salt or other irritant between her paw pads. I washed her paw in a bowl of water, making sure to get up in her paw pads and have a good feel around. She’s been extremely patient with me. But I’ve got no solution at the moment. I think this is a wait and see situation for now. Poor girl is pathetic, clearly wanting to play but hurting, so she just carries her favorite toy around everywhere while she limps. We got out old Coco’s handknit booties for her when she went out in the evening. She tolerated them well, so they’ll be used regularly when there’s ice and snow. Though they may be harder to get on her when she’s feeling fine, I mean, I can barely get her to stand still enough for a harness on a regular day!

As I mentioned above, it’s 1F today. Now, a few weeks ago I told Mr. Ink he’d better move the motorbikes to the upper garage so that he could park in the lower garage during the winter. He said “Is it even going to snow this year? It barely did last year.” To which I responded “I don’t know, but ice is something we always get, along with cold.”  He didn’t move the motorbikes. Last week we got ice, and he had to park in the lower driveway. Plus, he couldn’t get the motorbikes up the iced over driveway even if he wanted to. This morning I was feeling sorry for him, having to go out to that cold cold car, scrape windows and suffer through driving to work. Then I remembered that he had ample time to fix this issue for himself, he just didn’t take it. I rode in my nice warm car with heated seats and a heated steering wheel.

Miss Butterfly returned last evening around 8 pm bearing all the gifts she’d received from her father’s family. I am telling you, this is a family that buys stuff just to buy stuff. It never ceases to amaze me just how much junk she comes home with that ends up in my basement and then at goodwill. I hate it. She had more than one shoebox full of candy she cannot eat because of her braces, so Mr. Ink won on that one. The things I do rather like is when she brings home candles and nice handsoap, those do get used. Though I still have some from previous years. Even after the accusations of telling her family she wanted nail stuff (still not true!) she ended up getting enough stuff that she decided this was the best christmas ever. I guess she was pleased.

We had very little under the tree, we are probably the opposite of her father’s family. We prefer experiences and larger more practical gifts. Mr. Ink got a cord of wood from my parents for the firepit, and I got an akerworks kate (SO EXCITED!!!). We got Miss Butterfly a weekend at camp in the spring and Mr. Ink got her a couple classic music cds, like Stevie Wonder, to appropriately expand her collection. I got Mr. Ink silverware. I’d picked up a couple forks because we are constantly out of forks. I didn’t want to buy a full set. I mean, who wants salad forks? NOT ME!!! But, he liked the forks I got so much that I ended up buying that style in new silverware. But one at a time, so that we don’t have salad forks. NO SALAD FORKS!!!!

I am getting a living room rug for christmas, but we have to get better about going out and hunting for it.

Oh, and Lizzie got a christmas gift too. She’s funny, again, she was an outdoor dog so she isn’t afraid of outdoor stuff. But wrapping paper and gifts? THEY ARE TERRIFYING!

Lizzie is looking at me to see if it’s ok to be near Miss Butterfly now that the gift is unwrapped. She got a treat puzzle. She has to slide those little wooden disks around to get to the treats. It was a hit! Though she does keep thinking that the treats might be under the puzzle itself, which is hilarious.

I began a new project late last evening out of handspun. Let’s see if I can find the picture of the yarn…

Look at that! I found the yarn AND the batts I’d created to make the yarn. Anyhow, I’ve got four small skeins totaling 400 yards. I am knitting this into a bias knit scarf with a simple lace pattern and nice color changes.


Here’s a photo of the start, since I am not about to go outside in this weather today to allow my photo to be taken of the hitofude. I think you’ll all understand!

Tomorrow my favorite local yarn shop begins it’s annual sale. I plan to go and get a sweater amount of yarn. For a specific sweater. It’ll be colorful. I can’t wait! Plus, bonus day with Miss Butterfly hopefully running some errands and making cookies or pita bread, not sure which.

A White Christmas

I admit it, I think the best christmases are the ones which have snow involved. So waking up yesterday to the news we were to get snow was absolutely thrilling to me! It snowed on and off all day, most of it not sticking much, though it did help to cover the remaining ice making it easier to walk Lizzie. I worried that I was getting my hopes up, but in the morning? We had a nice cover. Would I have liked a lot more? Heck yeah, but we did well and I am happy with what we got.

I made a loaf of homemade spelt grain bread last evening and Mr. Ink made chili so it really was a warm and wonderful evening. I never did finish that cardigan, I gave up with half a final row to knit and then a bind off. I got up at 6 this morning to do that and enjoy a cup of coffee in the quiet by the tree.

The cardigan is now blocking and I’ll get to wear it to work on Tuesday. Yep, that’s right, I have to work but just the one day. I am hoping to get photos that day as well. And, in January I am setting myself a challenge. I am going to start actually wearing all the wonderful sweaters and cardigans I’ve made over the years. I just sort of forget about them sometimes and it’s kind of silly. I might need to rearrange so that I can get to them easier in order to wear them.

Once I finished the cardigan I realized that left me with just one sweater amount of yarn in stash still. That’s it! Except…I tried to knit it into something and realized a key thing. That yarn is not destined to turn into a garment. I just don’t like it in garment form. I’ve tried multiple times. It’s going to have to be something else. My plan now is to very carefully decide on yarn and pattern combos. Nice yarn with a good pattern only. Not find a cool pattern and get the cheapest yarn. I am going to start on Wednesday actually, I’ve a sweater in mind and I’ve been itching to make it for ages.

I did also start the next 3 braid combo but haven’t gotten far at all. I yanked out another beginning of a handspun scarf I didn’t like. And now I am wandering around online trying to figure out what to knit next.

I did get a nice long walk with Lizzie in today, she has no problem at all with the snow but may need some booties. We would walk until she’d get a piece of salt or a ball of snow between her paw pads. Then she’d come to a complete halt, and hold up that paw until I dug it out. There was no limping along, there was no hiding it. She would just stop. Again, not one to be particularly shy about getting her needs met.

Miss Butterfly is having her weekend with step family and dad’s family. Apparently she’s gotten a ton of stuff related to painting nails so far. And, that prompted the following text exchange, which was so indicative of her age and stage.

Butterfly: Why did you tell everyone I wanted stuff to do my nails?

Me: I didn’t?

Butterfly: I don’t DO my nails, YOU DO. So I can’t see why you told everyone that.

Me: I didn’t. I talked to one person about what you wanted, that’s your step mom, and I told her make up and bath bombs. I didn’t say anything about nails.


We are definitely at the age of everything is mom’s fault right now. I mentioned that if she wanted specific stuff she needed to communicate that with her family. I got a “Well it’s HARD!” out of her. Then I reminded her that I have extremely little control over what happens on her dad’s side of the family. I do however hope that she gets some cool stuff tomorrow, and I really hope that she was gracious about the nail stuff at least. (Though knowing her, she wouldn’t have dreamed of being ungracious. She’ll just take her irritation out on me.)

So, I am really hoping that vacation together goes well. There shouldn’t be a ton of distractions around if I keep her phone out of her grasp. Her friends are all with their own families at the moment. I’ve got a whole list of baking we can do together and of course there are also errands to be run that she should enjoy well enough.

Have a wonderful christmas morning!


Today is the day

I think.

The day in which I finish knitting the hitofude cardigan. I am on the very last repeat, which is an extra repeat added to the pattern itself to  use up more yarn. Then a ribbing and a bind off and I am done!

And really, I’ve nothing on the schedule today except house chores, walking the dog, and baking a highly anticipated loaf of bread. So I think I can get it done!

Last night we made rice in the new instant pot and it was so simple! Mr. Ink didn’t even know I’d done it and nagged at me to start the rice already! It was good fun for me.

I let Miss Butterfly open one of her gifts. Why? Because a number of things all came together to make her an absolute difficult teen last evening. I noticed when I woke up in the morning that her phone, which is supposed to stay in the living room overnight was missing. She says she took it overnight when she couldn’t sleep, but I believe she purposely said “I am on holiday break so I am going to stay up all night.” She was so tired and miserable. Then, she was supposed to go to her father’s house, but he let her know he wasn’t going to pick her up until this morning. This annoyed her greatly because it was a change in plans, and when we are tired, changes in plans are the worst. Plus he wouldn’t tell her what time in the morning he was picking her up. And she’s a kid who likes a plan.

After all of this Butterfly was so miserable I just needed a break, so I let her open a gift from her aunt, which I knew would be bath bombs. And she took a bath. Thankfully.

When opening her gift, Miss Butterfly decided to decorate the dog.

Patient dog, and dog losing patience.

This morning has been lovely though. Mr. Ink left for work and I had a bunch of quiet time to listen to classical christmas station on pandora and knit. Which is how I find myself so close to a finish on the cardigan. Then when Miss Butterfly woke up, she was a changed child. It’s amazing what a little sleep will do!

I made her model a handknit. I finished this ages ago, and it was my intention to get it to my parents home in time for christmas. But, going to the post office was one of the many things that needed to get done that I decided at the last minute just wasn’t going to get done. There’s a gift already at my parents house for my mom, so I can get this in the mail after christmas. Anyhow, my mom had asked for an ear warmer and let me know what colors might work for her. I am hoping this matches.


It’s got blues and a bit of purples and actually matches one of her grandson’s sweaters, as I used leftover yarn from his sweater. I need to make one of these for me! I think I’d benefit quite a bit from one.

We are anticipating the christmas miracle of SNOW! There’s a weather advisory for tonight, and it’s only 17F out there now which means snow that will stick around for christmas I believe. I am so excited!


Darkest day of the year, and we will be lighting candles and baking a blueberry cake to celebrate. It’s Mr. Ink and Miss Butterfly’s favorite, and we’ll all be together tonight so it’s the perfect night to bake.

At work, we had a coworker get very sick, so now we are two in the office. It’s not actually a huge problem, it’s pretty slow around here except for the grant deadline. It’s quiet and strange and yet really nice. I think the nice part is from liking my coworkers!

We may get some strange weather tonight as well, rain turning to freeze. We’ve got a cold front coming through. We may not get a white Christmas, but we’ll at least have a seasonably cold one. I am hoping there’ll be enough of a break in the freeze to take Lizzie for a nice long walk today. It’s still a little bit light when I get home!

I am working along on my cardigan, here’s the back of it. You can see I’ve got long rows but much progress has been made.


I am down to two balls of yarn left. I’ve got one set of increases left as well. I really am nearing the end though it feels still so far off. I’ve been pushing myself on this one, but there’s a lot of putting it down too, after long rows. I think there’s no question now that it’ll get done before the end of the year.

Miss Butterfly has today left of school, and then is off on her vacation. She’s SO looking forward to it. I predict tons of this:


She’ll spend the time annoying the dog I suspect. It’s really her favorite thing.

I’ve done absolutely everything I plan to do before the holiday. There are some things that can wait. After the holiday? Miss Butterfly and I will spend time getting those other things done. We may be hurtling toward christmas, but we don’t have to conform to all the expectations at expense of ourselves. We’ll slow down and enjoy our “imperfect christmas.”

Every Season

It would be easy to look on the dark side of the holidays and get grumpy over all the shopping to be done, the crowds everywhere, the bad drivers and lack of parking spots. It’s especially easy for me, the person who really hates shopping in the first place. I will readily admit that this is not my favorite time of year and I avoid stores and fail to get outside of the house chores done left and right.

But, each season there also seems to be at least one example from a stranger of an extra kindness that shines a light on the spirit of the holidays. And for me, this season’s kindness happened today.

Two of my team are off today and that leaves a busy office despite the season. So, while it’s not a job I usually have to do, I ran downstairs to grab the department mail. I didn’t want anyone else to have to bother about it. The mail cabinet for the building is in a corner with 2 large vending machines nearby. It’s a locked cabinet so I have to use a key on our section.

When I went down to get the mail, there was someone filling the vending machines. He had carts of candy and soda and had backed himself into a corner there while he was working. I could tell that moving those carts would be a chore, and I couldn’t get to the mail cabinet so I decided to wait. But he spotted me, and began moving his things. I immediately told him not to do so, but told him which box was ours and asked him if he could open the box for me. He quickly did so, handed me our mail, and then grabs candy from his supply and just hands it to me. “Merry Christmas!” He says, as I thanked him for his kindness. So nice.

The candy, which I am not even a fan of, is now sitting on my desk as a reminder of the kindness of strangers.

Happy Holidays! Feel free to tell me about your experience with the kindness of strangers this season!

4 More Work Days

It’s so busy here, but busy with fun stuff in addition to those pesky grants. Tons of little questions that require research, a large contract for an upcoming national meeting, a bunch of training my new people, basically all the things I love about my job.

Today is our potluck lunch, and I was able to get my contribution prepared last night and this morning. It’s a 3 step process so if I forget a part of it, which would be just like me, then I am stuck with nothing prepared. But I did it despite all the other stuff going on at home.

Miss Butterfly wrapped a bunch of gifts and got them under the tree. It’s nice when I can just have her do it. She’s like “You know I am going to go really over the top, right?” And I am like “As long as I don’t have to wrap…” So that’s what she did in the short time between school and show choir practice.

She brought me a bowl as well, a pottery bowl she made on the wheel at school. I am completely obsessed with it!


Isn’t it the best?!?! So lovely and nicely done. Apparently there’s another thing coming home as well, a treat jar for Lizzie.  It didn’t get fired in the first batch.

The final braid for my second three braid combo arrived. I didn’t take pics of the first three braids, and I wish I had because I feel like these colors may be very different.


I feel like there’s more green in the boreal and there’s more brown rather than tan in the braid on the bottom. But, no matter, I can just alternate skeins, it’ll be close enough.

By my calculations, in order to finish hitofude before the end of the year, I’ve got about 20 hours left on it. The rows are nice and long at this point. But, I also want to use up all my yarn, so it may take longer. I’ve got a long quiet weekend ahead of me, and I’ve got some time off before the new year so I do believe it can happen even if it’s basically half a work week of knitting. Or more.

Of course, now that I’ve set my sights on that goal, I keep looking longingly at the tiny bit of scarf I began over the weekend. *sigh*

How’s your week before Christmas going? Everything getting done? Still enjoying yourself?

Last week/This week

Last week I had a list of places I needed to go before Christmas. I had like, 11 or 12 places on that list. I immediately got 4 of them done that very day, the 5th the next day. And then? I quit. I reevaluated my list and decided that some of those things didn’t actually need to happen prior to Christmas. Some of them could happen the week after, since I am off work then and we won’t celebrate Christmas on the day of anyhow. I also left multiple grocery lists for Mr. Ink so that I could take grocery shopping off my list.

A 6th thing happens tomorrow evening, we’ve got school winter concert. That one will be delightful I am sure. I also have a work potluck tomorrow so I’ll be prepping food for that tonight.

This weekend was nice and slow. I got so much done around the house and I was just absolutely thrilled about it. On Sunday, Mr. Ink unexpectedly and deliberately came over to give me a big hug and tell me how industrious I am. How he appreciates all that I do to keep the house in living order. I love that unexpected compliment, that’s for sure! Plus, when I get those compliments, I feel less guilty about leaving stuff like grocery shopping completely up to him.

I made yogurt last evening in the instant pot. The first batch I made went well, but this batch? Was PERFECT. I think it’s the use of my own starter. I also made dinner for once. You see, I’d made faux mashed potatoes the other day, cauliflower in the instant pot then “mashed” the same way I would with potatoes. They were good alone, but there was so much left over that I told Mr. Ink I’d make a gravy for them. I did so, and we didn’t even tell Miss Butterfly they weren’t real mashed potatoes and she didn’t complain about them at all. Instead she focused her food irritations on the onions in the gravy.

Now that I’ve got it in my head to finish hitofude cardigan before the end of the year, I’ve been really adamant about knitting on it. I brought it to work today to work on during lunch break. I think I’ll be able to do that all week.

In work news, we just found out this morning that a 6th grant needs to be submitted on Friday. I am none to pleased about it despite the fact that I know it’ll go just fine. It just adds to an already nutty week for everyone!

Not much to share other than the newsy post, hope everyone has ample opportunity for peaceful moments in the lead up to this holiday.


For awhile there, I was calling every Sunday “Spinday” and making sure to get some spinning in that day. That was back in 2015, and I’d totally forgotten. Nowadays I haven’t really held myself to spinning on a specific day. After all, I’d say I spin more than anything else so no need for a specific day. I did see that there’s some spin 15 minutes a day every day in 2018 which sounds interesting to me. Not sure I’ll go for it though, that really does sound like a lot. What if you just need a break?

I was hoping that Saturday would be my Spinday, as I was anticipating my final braid for my second 3 braid combo would arrive. The tracking said “By 8 pm on Saturday” but that braid never showed up. I shouldn’t be surprised, it’s the time of the year for late arrivals through the post office. I didn’t really want to start anything else so I worked on my hitofude cardigan. It was actually a pretty good day for that, as the night before I’d worked through the flat part and it was time to bind off the sleeves and begin working in the round. I did so, and am now working my way down the remainder of the body of the sweater. There are a lot of stitches on the needles, and it’s only going to increase from here! But, with the pattern easy to memorize, I can pretty much call it mindless at this point.


It’s so odd looking it’s still tough to believe it’ll be an actual nice looking cardigan once it’s done. I am left wondering if I could get this one done before the new year, using it’s yardage for this year’s totals, keeping me well about double the amount of yarn knit to what was spun by hand. Current totals, 9.46 miles spun, 17.8 miles knit. It’s only 4.5 more balls of rowan to knit, right? I could totally do this. (I might.)

I did attempt to get something else started yesterday. I’d picked out some handspun and tried to pair it with a pattern, it didn’t work. That pattern needed a more solid colored yarn. Then I attempted another scarf, but that too didn’t work. Or rather, I won’t have the yardage I need. So, that’s out. I am going to spend some time this morning contemplating what I could do with that yarn, as it’s quite pretty, and already balled up, so I’d like to knit with it!

It’s a quiet day around here so far, one of those mornings when coffee and house chores are exactly what I want to be doing. I’ve also been making a list of the sweets my family wants around the holidays. Mr. Ink will be shopping tonight so I need to make sure we’ve everything on hand. We have a very busy week leading up to the holidays with choir practice, choir concerts, work potlucks, and that crazy grand deadline and multiple people on vacation. (That being said, I knocked out two out of the 5 grants already, so we are in really good shape.) The dog will get walked soon, and then I can just continue on my slow around the house day. I think yogurt making is on the list today as well, Miss Butterfly will appreciate that.

Reflections on 2015 Holiday

Wandering through the 2016 holiday was somewhat daunting with all that was going on. I thought “Surely holidays go better than this?” So I decided to look back at the 2015 holiday.

Guys, guess what? The 2015 holiday was crazy busy and WONDERFUL! Seriously, I only have the best memories. I was in the midst of the bathroom renovation, completely stressed out and trying/learning new things about home improvements. I was scraping the adhesive off 196 old blue tiles so I could reuse them and attempting to remove the smell of mold from my home. My hands hurt and I caught a cold. I was inspired and busy and introverted but productive. I was still enjoying the warm glow of a new home (Ok lets be honest, I STILL enjoy that glow, it’s just not new anymore) and I was so impressed with myself for taking on such a large project and succeeding.

So much has happened in two years, and not all of it good by any stretch of the imagination. But, it’s nice to look back and realize these are cycles. We’ve had a rough patch with a lot of big emotional stuff going on, but we are coming out from under that now and hopefully headed for an upswing. It’s nice to look back and realize these are cycles and patterns.

Now on to more crafty stuff. I finished my Rikaart shawl on Thursday evening. It didn’t take me all weekend to weave in the ends after all! In part, I believe, because there were lovely little seams at the back to weave them into. While I sometimes don’t spend a lot of time blocking garter stitch, I did so with this one as the shawl seemed a bit small to me. I wanted to open it up as far as I could without pulling out blocking wires. I think it worked pretty well, but it’s hard to tell, as I didn’t take measurements ahead of time. It did soften the orange yarn quite a bit.  In any case, this was a pretty fun knit and I really enjoy the blocks of color and unusual construction.


I have a very nice amount of brown handspun leftover, which is great because it’s extremely soft! I am sure I’ll be able to find another use for it in the future. I also have plenty of the white, though I am not sure what I’ll ever use it for. Then again, it was a surprise to find it worked so well for this shawl, so perhaps I’ll figure out something else in the future.

Another nice day is likely here in the heartland, and I think we are planning an afternoon bike ride. Mr. Ink saw a tree he loves and wants to get a picture of, so we are on a specific mission. Beyond that, I am not sure what else we’ll get up to today! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.


I did take some time, as I’d promised yesterday, to look at my posts from last year and reflect on what was different this year.

Some thoughts. First of all, I am really overall pretty good at keeping most negativity off my blog. So, when I read about situations, I realize I’ve put the most positive spin on them that I can, which I think is good. Good for me, and good for readers. No one wants to hear constant complaints. That being said, some of those blog posts where I hint at situations really do drag up awful memories.

Last year at this time I was dealing with a very problematic coworker. And honestly? That’s as much frustration as I needed at work. I was also tasked with double checking all of her work, which is more work than anyone needs to be doing along with her own job. And keeping records of that work, which is like another job entirely. On top of that, we were put in impossible situations with grant submissions, and I had, after 11 years here, my first ever failure to submit though that was in no way my own fault. It was such high stress situations.

This year we’ve got 5 internal grants due on December 22, with only two of us actually at work that day. We are doing our best to get these in early but are at the mercy of those actually submitting. I remain irritated that a due date would be the Friday before Christmas, and think that was extremely poor planning on someone’s part. It has a serious effect on staff that I don’t think they were really looking too closely at. But, with a new and full team, and no problematic coworker, I suspect these will go in smoothly overall, despite my irritation and despite being down to only 2 team members on service that day. This year there’s so much to be grateful for at work. I’ve got a great new team to lead, two of the members brand new and hand selected by me. I’ve got my own office, which is strange to me, but I am happy for it and it will serve me very well in the upcoming year. Speaking of the upcoming year, I’ve been given multiple fun projects of the conference planning type, which is what I love most about my job, far more than grant submissions. There is so much to be grateful for at work right now, even though it remains busy.

Last year I posted a lovely Christmas memory that led to a family reunion this summer. I’d call that a massive win. I am glad I took time to reflect on Christmas years gone by. Those can’t really be recaptured, but connections can still be made and time can still be spent and those new memories are equally important.

Last year we were gearing up for family time with Mr. Ink’s family in KCMO. It was a situation that had been simmering for about a year already and came to a red hot boil that vacation, causing a familial split which has lasted all year. It was extremely painful. Extremely. It’s still simmering, but we’ve done our best this year to put everyone in the best situation possible under the circumstances. There will not be a resolution. But we’ll do our best with what we are handed. That being said, when I posted about it I certainly concentrated on the better parts of the vacation. The extended family not mine or Mr. Ink’s that took us in and did their best to make sure we had an absolutely wonderful vacation despite all that was going on. That big romanian family making sure we were well fed, complimented, gathered in, and loved. An extension of Mr. Ink’s sister in law, and honestly? It’s what I should have expected, as it’s such an extension of HER in general. Well fed, complimented, gathered in, and loved would entirely describe my relationship with her thus far.

This year? We are now contemplating another family gathering. It will involve those in the split, because it’s still important to honor Mr. Ink’s 90 year old mother in some way. But, we will be doing our best to again look at whatever bright side we can find and do our best to accept the rest of it as necessary. That gathering should happen in March. I am alternating between looking forward to it as time spent with Mr. Ink’s sister in law, a person I think I’ve made it clear I love, and dreading uncomfortable situations I know I’ll be thrown into. I guess that’s an improvement? I suppose it’s an improvement in the sense that I can’t get blindsided by these situations anymore. Eyes wide open now.

Last year at this time we’d found and had sent to us a new (to us) car! We were in anticipation of it all vacation, and it arrived right after vacation. I was still raw with hurt and hot with anger over the vacation situations, and thus my patience level was pretty low in general. Our sales person was a mess and I kept thinking that I needed to get it together and be more patient with him. Until I realized that Mr. Ink was equally or perhaps more so irritated and impatient with this guy. When the most patient man in the world gets impatient, you know you’ve got a problem. Nevertheless, we did end up with a new car, a car I’ve loved for almost an entire year now. It’s not a car I expected to love, but it’s a complete joy to drive and clearly our year and a half of test driving and attempting to make a decision paid off for us. The joy of that vehicle just hasn’t worn off.

Despite some of the awful situations from last year, the holiday in general was still pretty good. We had lovely moments at home. Miss Butterfly was sick last year, but had recovered well in time for travel. And this year I think we’ve got all those sicknesses done with ahead of time. There was time with Mr. Ink’s daughter, there was good food, and there was that really funny moment where I finished knitting Mr. Ink a new sock because he’d lost one of his hand knit socks, and as soon as the new sock was done, the missing sock showed up inside one of his fleece pullovers! That was a hilarious and joyful moment in our home. Last year there were simple moments of joy in the midst of complicated situations to maneuver. This year will be much simpler, and for that I’ll be extremely grateful.

It’s that time of the year

The time where when I am at home, it’s dark. I actually have always kind of liked that time, as long as it doesn’t last too long. It’s cozy. It brings up memories of late naps on the couch growing up, where you wake up all warm to the beginning of prairie home companion on the radio and lay there listening with your eyes closed because you are just totally in this lovely cozy space and you don’t quite want it to end.  Or later, when I was a young adult and working so hard just to get by, but still took the time to light a candle or two and enjoy the christmas lights in the neighborhood. That important space of just being, rather than being busy all the time.

Now? It’s a comfortable chair in the living room by the tree with a dog at my feet, knitting in my lap, the constant chatter of my teen telling me all the school drama, and the sounds and smells of Mr. Ink cooking in the kitchen. Still extremely cozy.

What it is NOT good for? Perfect lighting to show off pretty handknits.


Here’s my ameeta scarf, all done, after some time in the comfy chair yesterday. It’s sparkly and pretty and this photo does not show off the color at all, we’ll have to go back to the in progress photo here:


And then I’ll just have to ask you to use your imagination for the finished object. Though looking at that photo it’s not great lighting either. But it’s closer! Anyhow, it really is a lovely scarf, and so festive with all the little sparkly bits throughout. The pattern was not difficult but I did have to really keep track of each row. As long as I did so, this moved along quite well.

I don’t know, beyond the hitofude cardigan, what’s next for my knitting. On Saturday the third braid for my second 3 braid combo arrives, I picked two of the three up at a local shop, but they didn’t have the third color in stock. So I’ll be back to that spin soon. I am 4 rows away from a completed rikaart shawl as well, though there are ten thousand ends to weave in and it might take me all weekend. I exaggerate, but not by much. Lesson learned. Don’t take anything with color changes to work for lunch knitting where weaving in ends can’t be done with as I go along.

I guess that brings me to the place I love to be in, where I contemplate what to knit next. There’s really nothing quite like anticipation of the next new project!

On the daily life front, I tried my instant pot for faux mashed potatoes out of cauliflower. It went super well, and Mr. Ink really loved the end result. I did too. I mean, they aren’t mashed potatoes, but they are close enough to enjoy. One head of cauliflower makes so much that we’ve enough for another meal. I had also made another dozen hard boiled eggs in it, and while Miss Butterfly keeps saying she doesn’t like them, I noticed she’s been eating them. Win!

Mr. Ink got Miss Butterfly a desk for her room since she’d cleaned and sorted and organized and gotten rid of stuff. It arrived yesterday. I have dinner plans tonight I think, so they’ve decided that they’ll hang out together and assemble that desk. The package arrived with two more packages that were a complete surprise! Two Adirondack chairs for our firepit, a gift from Mr. Ink’s brother and sister in law. Seriously, it was a great gift and such a surprise!

With this fall being rather weird and crazy and busy, so full of sickness, and just full on getting away from me, I am thinking this weekend I may be due for some quiet reflection. I guess thanksgiving was clean up/clean out. Now it’s time to look back at what was last year, and what is this year. I can tell you full on that this year is better than last year despite the busy. Despite the fall just completely getting away from me. It’s better. But, it is probably wise to reflect on how it is better. To go back to last year and really remember.

Also, cookies. I’ve decided that this year I am 100% making some christmas cookies. We aren’t doing anything special this year by any means, but I think christmas cookie baking is going to be an important part of celebration this year.


4 out of 10 ain’t bad

After my slightly panicked post yesterday bemoaning my lack of christmas spirit and knowledge I had little time left and so much to do, I banged out 4 out of 10 stops yesterday. Two at lunch and two in the evening while Miss Butterfly was at show choir. It was a very busy evening and I may have forgotten a few things here and there, but it does feel good to have some of it done.


And here’s a photo of my 3 braid combo spin! This is skein 1 and it’s 530 yards. The second skein ended up being 480 yards and it’s currently soaking. So, a solid 1,000 yards out of the first set of braids. I did order more, because I do want sweater amounts.

I was shooting for a fingering weight yarn for this spin, but I think what I have is more a sport weight. Nube tends to bloom quite a lot, as well as increase greatly in softness. So, the lightweight yarn I thought I had turned into a gorgeous bouncy sport weight. I think this has happened to me before. Hah.

I wouldn’t really have imagined these colors would be this dark overall, though I should have imagined it. And it’s not colors I would have chosen as already created yarn. That being said, it’s a good color, and probably very appropriate for wearing. Anyhow, it’s good looking yarn, no question. I am glad I have it!

One more errand of the season will be completed at lunchtime today. And then I may be done with lunchtime errands for awhile. But, it has been nice to knock those out during the word day rather than wasting my evening.

Hope your week is going well!


That moment when you realize you are so far behind in your holiday planning as to be ridiculous.

Even just normal, run of the mill shopping needing to be done is out of hand now, and I am not sure how I’ll even keep up with that! And then it’s coupon season, meaning the stuff you need anyhow is cheaper if you just buy now, despite the fact one might not like to set foot in the store because it’s the holiday season.

So, I made a ridiculous list this morning of the various places I really need to go. There are currently 8 stores on the list. I also listed out when I might possibly get to each of them, of course in the most efficient way possible. And naturally, I feel a bit guilty just realizing I let an entire weekend go by without doing any of these tasks!

That being said, we took Lizzie out for her first long walk post kennel cough. We took her on her harness instead of collar just in case, as we didn’t want to aggravate her issue. The walk we took is a 3 mile walk around a lake. It generally takes us about an hour with her. Mr. Ink rode his bike on the mountain bike trails while Miss Butterfly and I walked Lizzie. For the first two thirds of the walk it was miserable. She had to smell ALL OF THE SMELLS since she hadn’t been out in awhile. We walked so so slow, and it was so irritating. But for the final third Mr. Ink had been riding long enough and came to find us. Once she saw him on the bike, she decided that she wanted to do some running too. We let her off leash, and then it was tough to keep up with her.

BTW, Lizzie has her own instagram account run by Miss Butterfly. While most of the photos posted there are ones you see here on the blog, sometimes she also posts videos. You can follow here if you are so inclined. There are long periods of time in between posts because sometimes (often) Miss Butterfly has her phone taken from her for one reason or another.

Anyhow, instead of posting a Monday list for the week, which I seem to have failed to do anyhow, I am just going to see how many of those 8 places on my list I can manage to get to this week.

The photo for today is my rikaart shawl as it is currently.


There’s only the brown colored edge left and then I am done. Well, that and weaving in ends, obviously. I brought this to work so I could get it done this week, before I told myself I’d use my lunches to help me get some of those stores off my list. Unless I take it back home with me, I won’t get a chance to work on this until Wednesday. Ah well, projects will get completed despite the full schedule. There’s a week of vacation time coming up at the end of the month!



I started Drijfhout on October 9. I knit it in about a month and then had all those issues with buttons. The buttons finally came in around thanksgiving time, and I got them on but then never wore it or got a photograph until this weekend.

The day was so bright and sunny. Miss Butterfly took a million photos of me with a scrunched up face and closed eyes. It was alarmingly bright. I tried photos in the shade but then it was impossible to see the sweater at all. So, I had to pull out some sunglasses. Things got much better at that point.


Turns out this sweater fits very nicely, and I am certainly keeping the pattern in the running for future sweaters. I really like it! Maybe a handspun one next, where the handspun does the color changes for me. The pattern was easy to follow, I like the small details like the tab at the bottom of the button band, and the wollmeise is really easy to wear without feeling like you’ve got WOOL!!! against your skin.

The buttons I chose are itty bitty czeck glass mushroom beads which add a lovely interest to the sweater. And they were cheap, even though I got them from overseas.

Had a lovely day yesterday, Mr. Ink and I went to my favorite restaurant for a late lunch. When we arrived, I realized that my favorite meal which I really had chosen that place for was not being made that day. I was so disappointed! This is a place where the menu changes though they have some core foods. The waiter pointed out oxtail ravioli in a gorgonzola cream sauce, and told me I would not be disappointed. In the end, I was actually pleased that my favorite meal was unavailable to me, so good was the alternate suggestion! We then wandered around downtown looking in antique shops. For what I am not sure, but I realized the difference between him and I. He goes in a place like that and sees potential. I go in and wonder why people didn’t just throw that junk away. It’s not that I don’t like anything old, it’s just that I am so easily overwhelmed by too much stuff and those shops always have too much stuff. I wander around going “WHY!?! WHY?!?!” And then anything that does have potential gets lost in my grumpiness. Hah.

But, that’s not to say it wasn’t a lovely sunny day out.

Miss Butterfly had a lot of her own stuff going on and ended up sleeping over at a friends house. I am hoping she’ll get home with enough time to take a nice long walk today as the weather is supposed to be mild.

Have a great Sunday friends!


I’ve got an update on this cold but sunny Saturday! I just spent a lovely morning with my family, starting with pancakes and bacon, then spinning singles from my 3 braid combo while watching a musical with Miss Butterfly. I finished the singles! Which is great, right on target for where I wanted to be today. Plying.


I have this distinct feeling I am going to love this combo, and I have half a mind to pick up 3 more braids of the same color to complete enough for a garment if I do love the first plied skein. However, I am insisting that I finish and wash a skein, maybe even knit a swatch, before purchasing 3 more braids. I think that’s fair.

Over this week I kept thinking that I really had nothing to show off craft wise. I mean, miles of singles that you’ve already seen, as well as a scarf that has grown but the pattern is the same as the last picture just doesn’t seem like particularly interesting blog fodder. However, there is something I haven’t shown off. Mind you, I started it over thanksgiving vacation, and haven’t worked on it in at least a week. But, I can still snap a photo.


I am working on a hitofude cardigan. I am using some rowan felted tweed I had in stash. Gotta use up those sweater amounts of stashed yarn before I move on to other fun commercial yarns!

Today the big thing on my to do list is to get dressed up to go out to lunch with Mr. Ink. It’s cold, and so I plan to wear my new sweater. The one that has been sitting finished since before thanksgiving but I never get around to getting photographed. I really like it, but it’s mostly been too warm to wear it. Today’s the day! Tomorrow’s the blog post.

In other hobbies, I’ve been really into doing my nails lately. I’d let my nails get longer than usual and I considered a proper manicure but I couldn’t be bothered to leave the house for it. So instead, I steal Miss Butterfly’s nail polishes since I don’t have any of my own. I really had this impression that it takes so long to do, and I can’t be bothered to sit still for that long. But apparently I was mistaken, or, the products used now are better than they were 15 years ago. Which is probably how long it’s been since I’ve painted my nails. In any case, with a little care it doesn’t take that long at all and in just a few minutes I can be back to spinning with no adverse effects. Not too bad a prospect at all!

And with that, I suppose I should go get something worthwhile done today! Have a fantastic weekend!



Holiday Decorating

Here’s the scene that Miss Butterfly put together for us with her inherited pieces.


It really is lovely and festive! And with all the snow, feels entirely unlike what we are looking at outdoors. The weather is cool now, but doesn’t even remotely feel snowy or seasonal.

Last evening Lizzie broke down what I feel may be the last of her rescue dog walls. (Though there’s still a cringe she does if we hold our hands a certain way, but we just try to avoid that.) Lizzie immediately became “my” dog, attaching herself to me and following me everywhere. Miss Butterfly was a close substitute and a reasonable surrogate, and a great toy. She likes people in general, and so she’s liked Mr. Ink all this time. But, she has never been quite so affectionate with him. She has never jumped on his lap, jumped up on the couch beside him, and always hollers like she’s hurt if he tries to pick her up. While she seemed to think him just fine and like his attentions, she has stayed reserved as well. And I know this has been tough on Mr. Ink a bit, because he’s the dog whisperer. Dogs just love him. On the other hand, he’d had 17 years of a very attached dog so it was ok with him if Lizzie decided I was her person.

Until last evening. Seems like somehow he broke through that barrier, unexpectedly. He got home from work, and as usual she was super happy to see him. And then when he sat down on the couch? She hopped right up next to him and put her leg on his.


Just wiggling and begging for attention!

I had to capture a picture or two, of course. And then she got a lot of attention.


It really didn’t end there. Throughout the evening, every time he sat on the couch she’d jump right up beside him. At the end of the evening, he got down on the floor with her as he often does, and she ended up laying on her side, her head on his shoulder, eyes closed looking totally blissed out. He finally did it, with patience, he won her over.

I don’t have any crafty photos. I’ve been working on my sparkly scarf, and spinning my 3 braid combo spin. I kind of have it in my head that I could be plying by the weekend. I am about halfway through my second bobbin. So, it’s possible, but it would also be a real push. We’ll have to see, but I admit I am anxious to see how the yarn turns out which really does help push through.

That’s it from here, I don’t think I’ll have much to share this week to be honest. Slow crafting week with larger projects I guess!



I am still working, quietly, on my Rikaart shawl. I am not quite done with the third pattern section, and the fourth comes out tomorrow. But, it’s been my work project so it can be slow going.


It’s been a fun project. I like the changes in color of the orange. The brown has far fewer color changes going on, it’s pretty even. And then there’s the cool brown slubs in the off white. Fun stuff.

Not sure what all to post about yesterday, it was pretty quiet. Lizzie sounds a bit better, enough so that I canceled her vet appointment. She got to the point yesterday where walking around the yard was just not cutting it. She simply stared at me like a total creep for hours, until I took her on a walk around the block. She sneezed for half the walk. But she was thrilled to be out.

Miss Butterfly came home from visiting her father yesterday evening. She walked in the door hollering “I KNOW I KNOW I HAVE A LOT OF STUFF BUT IT’S NOT HERE TO STAY!” I look over, and there’s her and her father with an armload of boxes. What the heck? Turns out it was some of those porcelain christmas scenes. You know the ones, with the light up homes? I don’t know much about them, but her grandmother had given her a house and a barn and about a million trees. So, I told her she could indeed set them up on the sideboard. She did a lovely job, so I’ll get a photo of that tonight.

Other than that, not much new. I kept working on my sparkly scarf yesterday, and finished the first bobbin of the 3 braid combo. Mr. Ink worked on…gardening. It was a lovely quiet day.  This week is likely to stay busy so I do love a quiet weekend prior to a busy week!

Another 3 Braid Combo

My last 3 braid combo spin, where I used 3 braids from different dyers was so much fun. Here’s the photo for reference:


In this particular case, I did each set of singles separately and then plied them. But, I wanted to do a combo spin where I mixed up each braid into 3 parts. So, on small business saturday, I picked up 3 braids of Malabrigo Nube to spin for a combo spin. Now, my irritation with Nube is well documented on this blog I believe, but the reality is that the price point is low for dyed fiber. So, if I just remove the felted bits at the edges, I can still end up with a pretty decent spin.

The colorways I divided for this spin are Boreal, Whales Road, and Candombe. All the skeins had a cranberry theme going on with one heading more toward pink/purple, one headed more toward green/earth tones, and the third headed more toward various blues.


I am spinning on the rose for this one, pretty thinly so it’s slow going for sure. I am partway through my first bobbin, so I’ve a long way to go yet. In the meantime, if I get too bored I’ll just pull out another bump or two for thicker singles on the prelude. Seriously, that’s not going to get old any time soon!

We had a pretty quiet day yesterday. I stayed quiet so that Lizzie would stay quiet. We did go out grocery shopping and I made some food so that we had something to eat when company came for firepit time. All of us are on low carb diets so that made decision making pretty easy. We did have some serious giggles when Lizzie, who had done her best to stay quiet and resting all day, broke out dancing when Mr. Ink put on some music. Hilarious. We couldn’t help but dance with her for a few minutes. Such a funny, goofy, happy doggo. She also was able to enjoy a ton of attention from visitors too, so we feel like we were at least able to provide her brain with something interesting even if taking walks, running, jumping, and playing are off the table right now. On the bright side, she did seem better yesterday and so far today she’s seemed much better too.

That’s about it from here. I’ve already done the clean up from last evening’s visitors, and have started the laundry, so now I can hang out in my warm sunny house feeling comfortable!

Ameeta Scarf

Well, I ended up calling the vet yesterday about Lizzie. The bad news, yes it sounds like kennel cough. The good news? She was vaccinated against it. It’s like the flu shot for humans, dogs can still get it. But their bodies are more easily able to fight it off. The vet said that she needs rest and we should keep her calm. While she was saying this, she was also laughing, because she understood the absurdity of the idea of keeping Lizzie calm. No walks. No jumping. Hahahahaha! She’s got an appointment set up for next week in case she doesn’t get to feeling better. Thankfully, this morning she already seems better. Though still congested, as it was indicated to us early this morning. She is the type of dog who WILL get her needs met. She needed to go out, but Mr. Ink and I were still sleeping. So, she does as she always does in this situation. Jumps up on the bed right in between the two of us and runs all the way up to our faces. Unfortunately, this caused an epic sneeze, so Mr. Ink and I started our morning with faces full of doggy snot. I can honestly say, I never imagined that happening to me. Ever.

Since we’ve been plagued by illness all fall, it’s no surprise that Lizzie would pick something up too I suppose. But it is frustrating!

I began my ameeta scarf yesterday, and am a few repeats in. Far enough to show off the beginning I think. I am loving the pairing of the handspun, the sparkle, and the texture.


It’s really soft too. The kromski spins a nice soft yarn for me, as it’s just a bit slower than the rose. The rose is great for sock yarn, the prelude is perfect for scarves.

In other news, we’ve joined the instant pot craze around here. We received ours last evening. I did the test run, and than immediately made hard boiled eggs. Today it’ll be yogurt. After that, I’ll start exploring low carb meals. Mr. Ink cooks really well, but his repertoire of low carb meals is getting really stale since we’ve been on it since February. Getting sick of our meals causes us to cheat, and then we aren’t enjoying the benefits of it at all in the end. So, now it’s time to expand. I am also going to try making low carb crackers today, that should be interesting. We’ll see how it goes.

And that’s all for this Saturday! Have a great one!

Here’s the deal

I’ve been having some problems with wordpress lately. Like, sometimes it posts stuff I had no intention of posting, but those posts are also…nothing posts? Like, it seems like there should be photos but they don’t show up. When I view them, those posts don’t even look like they exist. So they are hard for me to even notice. Except, sometimes Salpal1 finds them and comments, and then I know they are out there. But, when clicking on her comment, I still can’t view those posts. It’s so strange.

And then there’s this. I was trying to update my knitmeter tally, since I hadn’t done so before thanksgiving vacation. And, we all know how much knitting and spinning I managed on vacation, tons! I went down through all the visible posts, and guess what? I can’t find my finished venomous tentacula photo. Did I not post it? I feel like I absolutely did, and I also feel like I remember reading comments about it at some point! And while thanksgiving vacation was a bit of a blur with two GI sicknesses that week, I don’t think I am totally crazy.

For posterity’s sake, here’s the photo.


It’s done. I swear I posted it. But maybe not. Anyhow, it was a fantastic knit, I am sure I wrote that before too. It’s been too warm to wear it so far, but it matches so much of what I own.

In other news, Miss Butterfly didn’t go hang with her dad last night so she and I watched Doctor Who and I did some spinning. Mr. Ink went to his show, and I stayed home messing around with my new handspun. I began a scarf called Bias Scarf with Ribbed Cables. But, while I really LOVE the pattern and do think I’ll knit it at some point, the very sparkly yarn just made everything look terribly busy. So, I ripped it out this morning and began at Ameeta Scarf, which I think will be really nice. Once I’ve got a bit more done on it, I’ll grab a photo. I also need to get a current in progress spinning photo.

On Thanksgiving day, we took Lizzie to the dog park. Unfortunately, I am beginning to believe she picked up a case of kennel cough. It was really disturbing before I figured out what might be going on! But, now that I know it can be like a cold, I am less anxious. She’s eating and drinking just fine, so hopefully it’ll resolve without a vet bill. And I guess next time we are at the vet, a vaccination will be in order.

And that’s it from here, it’s been a really busy Friday so this is getting published far later than usual. But tomorrow is Saturday, and MAYBE I’ll be able to get a shot of a sweater finished weeks ago!