2007 Knitting Meme

2007 has been a huge year of growth knitting wise.  I have learned more this year than ever before, tackled bigger projects and discovered more about my chosen craft than I ever imagined.  I had been knitting on and off for a few years but my knitting got into full swing in October of 2006.  I remember it clearly.  I had decided to make this hat and these gloves for my Bug.  It was at the first large conference I had planned out here, and the whole thing ran so smoothly that week that I was able to finish the hat and start on the gloves by the end of the conference.  After those projects, my desire to try new techniques just blossomed.  Prior to that I had been playing Sims2 quite a bit, after that, my free time shifted.  Looking back on it now, I can see that Sims2 was a great escape from thinking about the life I had during that time period.  A life which was out of my hands and not all that easy.  But after hardship there is ease.  And with that ease brought a shift in priorities.

In 2007, I made:

*    2 pairs fingerless gloves

*    5 hats

*    7 pairs of socks
*    1 dishcloth
*    1 cotton grocery bag
*    1 needle case, felted
*    2 tank tops
*    1 sweater
*    4 scarves
*    2 lace shawls/stoles
I also completed 2 languishing/hibernating projects and reworked the neckline of the RL sweater.  Decent, when working full time and being a single mom and going to school half the year.
So now on to the meme portion of this post:
1.  Best FO of the year….
A toss up between J’s Sweater and Creatures of the Reef.  Both were major accomplishments for me on the learning curve.    Both were surprisingly easy when all was said and done.
2.  Best FO of the year made by a blog you link to….
This might be stretching it, as I follow her not because she is on my blogroll but because I stumbled across this!  And, it is not a truly FO, but she has steaked….which makes it close enough in my book! (Mom, you may want to check her out, she quilts too, she is really quite amazing!)
3.   Best yarn you tried.
*Shells “claps” for her Handmaiden!   So wonderfully soft, So beautifully dyed!
Close second would be anything of my own spinning at this point.  Maybe not truly amazing in the softness department, but there is just something about knitting with yarn you have spun!
4.  Best new book/mag/pattern of 2007.
I don’t own it yet, but I’d have to say “The Best of Interweave Knits.”  There is great variety in the book, and for someone like me who hasn’t subscribed to Interweave Knits, it is a fantastic way to sort of catch up.
5. Best new knitting technique or gadget
This was the first year I learned the spit splice and russian join.  What a help that was!
6.  Top 5 inspirations – what 5 things inspired me the most over the past year.
Ravelry for sure!  Knitty comes in second.  The lovely knitters on my tag surfer.   Sav
and Nickbee as fellow creative peoples whom I spend my day emailing and discussing projects with.  And finally we cannot forget the crazy wonderful gals at knit night, spending time with fellow knitters/spinners is wonderful.  You can see projects in action, feel yarn you haven’t bought before, and laugh a whole heck of a lot!
7.  Designer who most amazed & inspired you throughout the year
I would have to say Pink Lemon Twist as I did MS3 as an early foray into lace and got positively caught up in the beauty of her other patterns.
8.  Knitting resolutions for 2008 – what’s next for you and your blog.
First of all, I need to make sweaters for myself.  Somehow, once you knit sweaters, the fiber on the store shelves just doesn’t compare.  When I was younger, I was always too warm to wear sweaters.  Now I am cold.  Most of the time.  So sweaters are a must and I am sure everyone is sick and tired of seeing me in the same ones over and over.
Secondly, I do very much intend on getting my hands on some Kauni yarn and perfecting my colorwork skills.
Thirdly, I fully intend to stay on my yarn diet even past the April cut off date.  Yarn dieting has been great for saving up for other things.  Things which are important such as school, and things that I want, such as a spinning wheel.  I might even be getting addicted to yarn dieting!  There is some element of control to it that I am very much enjoying.
And finally, I must spin more!  Perfect my spinning skills.  I want to buy some superwash merino, send some to Sav and let her dye it.  Then I can spin it and we can split it up.  I do think that would be a blast as she has an eye for color that I want to take advantage of!
For my blog:
I never intended for this to be a “knit blog” but it had a mind of its own.  I want to continue to temper the knitting content with every day life content.  Life has gotten seriously busier than what it was when I started, but blogging is something I am continuing to enjoy.  Now if only my computer will cooperate…
I haven’t seen a lot of tagging going on with this meme, but what is a meme without tags?  So I hearby tag, but these lovely people are under no obligation whatsoever to respond.  Or read for that matter!
1.    Sav
And because I’d love to get to know them better….
4.    Christina 
Have a happy, and more importantly safe, new year everyone.  Keep knitting!  (or crafting in any way you see fit!)

Niddy and then some, from Nick

Here’s what we look like after 2 coats of danish oil (to help bring out the grain) and 4 coats of gloss wipe on gloss poly. If things look good tomorrow it will get the final coat of satin poly tomorrow. If not a few more coats of gloss might be in order. Wipe on poly is much thinner than brush on so it takes more coats to build up. But this help in eliminating drips and sags that can happen with brush on finishes.

(Shells aside)
We have talked about Sis’ pen box but I never posted any pictures. So here they are, aren’t the gorgeous!?!?!
Here’s Sis’ pen holder at the same point in the finishing process…

New Obsession

So….I have begun to spin one of the Merino/Tencelblends.  I know I mentioned that I would probably spin it last, because I have heard that the short fibers and slipperiness of merino/tencel could be hard to get accustomed to.  But, I decided I wanted a challenge.  Much to my amazement, I find this actually easier to spin than what I was spinning.

I have also been a bit irritated about the fact that though I love the colors of what I have been spinning, I cannot help but notice that it is not terribly soft.  Not the softness of fine yarn that you want to pet and rub against your face.  In fact, as I am knitting it, I sort of don’t want to touch it at all.  Though I think some conditioning will soften it up, I really wanted to try something known for being soft.

The merino/tencel blend?  Oh my gosh so soft!  So soft, so shiny!  It is a pleasure to spin.  Excuse the poor picture, I apparently need a new camera that can handle better resolutions.  This does not even begin to capture the soft shininess that is this fiber!


Somehow this fiber makes me think of India.  Not that I have ever been to India.  Its just that the shininess and color contrasts make me think of fine Indian restaurants I have been to, and the contrasts in colors and flavors of Indian food. 

The singles are looking so fine as they are that I intend to leave it as singles and knit lace.  I think that plying this yarn together would somehow take away from the prettiness that it is.  The tweed look that one gets with plying colors just won’t work for me.


Don’t tell favorite coworker….

Look!  The laceweight is done!


I am really very proud of it.  Seriously.  It is not perfect, but I am happy with it.  It will become the Print of the Wave Stole.  For favorite coworker.  But she doesn’t know yet, so don’t tell her.  It is a belated Christmas gift and I cannot think of anyone more deserving of it!  Wanna see what I have so far?  I thought so!


True Midwest Blizzards DO exist!

Since moving to the midwest, I have often wondered if the type of blizzards I read about in “Little House on the Prairie” still happened. You know, the type where you get turned around and perish because you cannot find the house that is 2 feet to your left. I am here to say that they do indeed exist.

J decided to take me to Kansas City over the weekend. We have tried to get there before but to no avail. He has been there and enjoyed it, and wanted to share it with me.

So, we had heard that there is a storm brewing, but we had this really wise idea to beat the storm. After all, the weather channels were being quite specific about when the storm would start and when it would stop and how many inches of snow we would receive. So we headed out.

We began to get concerned as the soft gentle snowflakes flew faster and the wind picked up whipping the snow around our car. We still felt confident, we were in J’s all wheel drive beamer and we were about an hour north of KC. About 15 minutes (on a regular day) north of St Joseph, where we have been before. But that confidence quickly eroded when we realized that the car just a few feet ahead of us was no longer visible. Neither was the road. We slowed way down and J watched for the car in front of us. I began to orient myself with the reflectors on the side of the highway, making sure we were still on the road. J began to be concerned about the car behind us. Figuring that if he could not see the car ahead of us until we were too close to stop, perhaps the car behind us would hit us. I rolled my window down and began to hang my head out of the car, looking back for the car behind us. Which I could not see in any form.

We thought that we could just get to St Joe and take the first exit. Being familiar with that town we knew we could get somewhere warm. So we got on the major highway in order to get off at the St Joe exit. Things got significantly worse from there. We were in what looked like a pocket of snow. Snow swirling all around us, no visible road. A true blizzard. What made things even worse was that the snow would hit the windshield, turn to ice, and then collect underneath the wipers. So even wipers did not help. We passed a cop car with its lights going, but we didn’t even see it until we were next to it. We then saw a nasty accident. We pulled ahead of the accident knowing we could go no further until we cleared off some of the ice. As we pulled aside, we could feel we were off the road, but we trusted that the all wheel drive would help. We then realized that there were a lot of cars out, as well as semi’s. They were all passing us so I wouldn’t let J get out the driver side, as I was just sure he would get hit. I cleared off the ice as best as I could, scarf and coat whipping about and with me in constant contact with the car lest I “lose” it. Once we got back in the car, J rocked it back and forth until we managed to get back on the road. We could see the line of cars as they were passing us so it took a long time to get the courage to get back on the highway. We knew the exit we would take was maybe a mile and a half away so we got back on the road behind a semi. I watched what the semi was doing, mainly riding the rumble strip to make sure he was still ON the road. I rolled down my window and had J ride with the passenger tires on the rumble strip. It helped. A lot. At least we knew we were on the road and on one side. How very strange to drive by feel!

We managed to make it to the first St Joe exit, both of us shaking like a leaf. We pulled into the first gas station. Of course it was absolutely packed with everyone else who has gotten caught in the storm. We pulled in behind someone who was parked and out of their car. J rolled down his window just in time to see a parked car sliding towards him. He yelled and backed up quickly while we watched the car slide all the way down the hill right in front of us and land in the ditch. That poor woman never had a chance. I told J that we needed to get away from all of these drivers! I didn’t think it was particularly safe to be where we were. We knew that there was a shopping strip/movie theater near by so we headed there and sat in Borders hoping that the storm would let up while we sipped our mochas and read books. We then heard that they had closed the highway. I told J that if they closed the highway, hotel rooms were going to be in short supply but I think he had this idea that the storm would let up and we would be able to go home. Or go on. So all that was left to do was shop. We wandered through the strip mall as no one could go home so they all stayed open. J bought smoked salmon at the TJmaxx in case we weren’t able to get any food. We had apples and bananas in the car. Once we tired of shopping and got too hungry, and at that point the storm had let up enough to see a bit more, he finally decided that we did indeed need a hotel room. After all, our nerves were shot and even if it wasn’t snowing, we hadn’t seen one snowplow that entire time! Also, he thought I had ruined his windshield wipers by pulling them up to get rid of the ice. I thought that there was just ice in the tension system on the arms but I really didn’t care because the ice had to come off no matter what.

We stopped at the first hotel we saw. The parking lot was packed so I ran in and asked for a room. No rooms at the inn! In fact, from what she told me, no rooms in the city! I asked J to drive to the next hotel just in case. I ran in there and asked for a room. No rooms. I asked her if she knew of ANY rooms in the city. I really didn’t want to sleep in the beamer! She said she would call the last hotel off the beaten path since she had placed others there. The receptionist there said she had one room left, the jacuzzi suite. She wasn’t even price gouging as I thought she might. I told her I would take it and they reserved it for us. I figured even if J, for some odd reason, thought it was too much they wouldn’t have any trouble reselling it. Since there were people behind me wanting rooms as well. I ran back to the car and told him about the room, telling him I reserved it regardless of whether or not he wanted it. He informed me that the price of that room was a small price to pay for peace of mind. An accident or a car in the ditch would cost much more. I could not argue with that!

The room was truly a suite, we had a separate room with 2 couches. I hit the bathroom first and it was dirty! Frankly, J would have been horrified but I didn’t want to sleep in the beamer so I cleaned it myself. He did rather wonder why I refused to take advantage of the jacuzzi though!

We then needed to go find food. We went to an italian style place we had been to last time we were in St. Joe. I was hungry but wanted nothing but a salad and a hot bowl of french onion soup. To be honest, J was a bit insulted at that, thinking I should have the nice pasta and take advantage of a dinner out. But it was what I really really wanted, something to warm me up. I had to remind him of the lebanese saying he has told me before, “Eat for yourself and dress for others.” He sure didn’t say another word about what I ordered then! When we got out of the restaurant, it was as clear as could be. Suddenly there was no snow. No snow and clear skies. The air was crisp and cold but the wind wasn’t whipping about as it had been. What an amazing change! The snow plows were starting to come out as we went to Starbucks for a mocha.

The next morning the roads were cleared for the most part. We had a choice, either continue on to KC or go home. I think he was leaning toward going home but it seemed a shame to come all that way! We headed on to KC, bad wiper blades and all. I did manage to find and pull the ice out of the tension system once we were in KC. They are fine now. KC was lovely! I had no idea! We had a very nice time and keep talking about going back in the near future.

Follow ups:

We found out later that the highway had been closed between St Joe and KC, and that there had been a 40 car pile up about 15 miles south of St Joe. We could easily have been involved in that.

We also found out that KC didn’t get snow like we drove through, the more than 12 inches when only 4-6 were expected. In fact, we were in a small pocket that got dumped on. Even just a bit north of St. Joe did not get hit.

We wouldn’t have had to sleep in the beamer, as the Ramada set up a shelter for the travelers who couldn’t find rooms. I am not sorry we got a room though!

J, who often says he doesn’t believe that God intervenes directly in peoples lives, a belief we often discuss, looked at me and said, “I think God is looking after us today, even when we were stupid enough to think we could beat a storm and it is our own fault for being out in it, we didn’t get hit even though we came close many times.”

No more posts….

‘Till after the holiday season.

I have been struggling to find something to talk about.  With school, my knitting time is cut way back.  I just don’t have the content I would like right now.  School is over, and I will have some time to knit during the holidays.  So I have decided to take some time off through the holidays in order the knit and relax and hopefully come back with some decent content.

That being said, Have a Very Merry Christmas, remember the reason for the season.  Happy Holidays to all my readers who don’t celebrate Christmas.  And have a safe New Year!  Be back soon!

An open letter to my dear J

(To readers, I had a giggle because I wrote “dead J” rather than dear J, which would have about covered my attitude, freudian slip! Also, please know this is not “trouble in paradise” just a gripe, I’ll have raves to read too.)

Dear J,

When you called last night to see if I could do you a couple favors, please understand that my lack of enthusiasm in no way reflects how I feel about you. I love to do small things for you that perhaps you aren’t the best at because that is just the type of person I am. In addition to that, when you do small favors for me, I assure you it does not go unnoticed. I do realize that we both care for each other and because of that we take care of each other. It is a good relationship.

Because it is a good relationship, and because we have always tried to be honest with each other, please do not, in the future, push me to make promises I cannot keep. Please keep in mind your own situation in all its difference from mine. You, a single man with no children on a long holiday vacation from work, me with a child, working full time and finals this week. Can you see the discrepancy? So please, when you ask me to do something and I say that I am not sure it will get done, not sure I will be capable of completing the task, do not tell me I am making excuses. When I attempt to explain what I have on my plate this week, listen and understand that my life is vastly different from yours, and as much as I would like you to be my top priority, it will never happen in the current situation.

Just tell me what you want and I will see if I can get it done. If I cannot, leave it alone. If I can, consider it a lovely surprise. Just do not push me to make a promise I cannot keep, because you will then be disappointed in me.

Also, when we decide to get off the phone and I tell you I won’t call until later the next evening because I am going to go to a knit night with my friends, please do not then get upset because I am going to a knit night when I could be doing you a favor instead. I assure you the knit night was planned far before you asked me to do you a favor, and do you really want me to feel guilty about the one night a month I have out with the girls who knit? Something you encouraged me to try in the first place? A night that I won’t have the opportunity for as I will have class that night next semester?

And finally, when you see the error of your ways late at night and feel terrible, do not call me to tell me how terrible you feel, because I am already fast asleep feeling no guilt at all about not making this promise to you. I assure you considering what is on my plate this week your apology can wait until tomorrow or will be fully understood in the form of a text message.

I do not think I am being unreasonable in this case, please try to understand. Oh, and that other favor you asked for? I did that first thing this morning. Taken care of. No problem. That was one I knew I could promise and follow through on.


The socks for the Bug?  We must consider them done.  Because she refuses to take them off.  She wanted to wear them to school today for “show and share.”  I suspect I’d better make her more socks, she is so thrilled with these!

Also, all that yarn that I had and didn’t know what to do with?  It has now officially gone to a charity.  Actually, it worked out better than I could have imagined, it went to a teen knitting group who knits it into various hats and prayer shawls and so on for donation.  It is almost like donating it twice!  I bet those teens had a hayday looking at their new stash!

Knitterly progress

Socks done, but the fully orange one has to be redone. I want the toes to match and the leg of it is too tight, making it hard for Bug to put them on.


Next up is the beginning of the Clapotis. Now, rather than using every stitch marker in the world, I have decided to purl the stitch that will be dropped.


Nap Time

Bug has decided that sometimes she wants to sleep in her “big girl bed” during naptime. This is actually because she wants to get up and play rather than nap. Which is fine by me, as long as she is upstairs. After about a half hour of playing I can usually call upstairs and tell her to try to sleep and she does.

But if she naps for even 5 minutes in the car, I am done for. It is like a power nap and she can’t get back to sleep. Yesterday I sent her upstairs anyhow because I needed a nap and some study time. I napped even though I could hear her playing. But eventually I stopped hearing her, much to my surprise she had gone to sleep. I knew I had to wake her up or she would be up all night long, so I went upstairs. I looked about the room and began to panic, she wasn’t in her crib or her big girl bed. I just couldn’t quite locate her and my heart began to race! Then I spotted her here:


Fast asleep on the middle row of her infant changing table.

Fiber Fun Friday

First off, a big fat Thank You for the birthday gift my friend Sav sent me. Here it is….
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Handmaiden silk/wool in colorway Paris, which is more than appropriate, you will understand why in a moment!

I SO do not deserve such a nice gift!

‘Cept, Ladies and Gentlemen, I think she might have some ulterior motives….you see, we have both caught the clap.  Thats right, we are happily jumping on a knitting bandwagon.  Together.  I am not sure who has infected first, but we both have a burning desire to knit Clapotis.   (Pronounced Clap-o-tea)  I am tempted to call it clapotease as the pattern has been teasing the corners of my mind just waiting for an appropriate yarn.  Now, some will be horrified to know that I don’t particularly like multicolor yarns and handpaints.  Well, thats not clear, I LOVE them, I love to look at them and feel them.  I love to admire them as art.  I want them in my house.  I don’t like the way they knit up, unless it is for socks.  Even then I struggle.  But once in awhile a pattern comes along that BEGS for the use of handpaints or hand dyes and it won’t be done justice without them.  Clapotis is one of those.  I was just waiting for the perfect hand dye to catch my attention.

I will be doing this in the larger wrap size.  Sav will be doing one in the scarf size.   This should be fun!

In a mad moment…

And by mad I do not mean crazy, I mean actually angry…..I cast on for another project. You see, a couple nights ago I had no knitting mojo. Looking back I think it was because I was coming down with something. It is a good sign I am getting sick if I can’t manage to knit even a simple project. Or there is a lack of desire to knit. So the other night I was working on mystic waters and couldn’t manage to get a row right. At this point I will have to pull out at least 2 rows. Then I tried to spin, but repeatedly was underspun and the draft kept breaking. I’d fix it just to have it happen again. Then I broke a piece and it got so lost in what was on the bobbin I absolutely could not find the end. I realized I needed to put that down when I was desirous of throwing the entire bobbin, or breaking the spun single to fix it. I picked up B’s sweater, but had no desire to knit it.

So I cast on. For Baby Jay’s for the Bug. She has wanted socks, particularly orange socks, for at least a year now. I have started them for her then ripped them out. So I figured a good project would be handspun socks for Christmas.

These will be too big, more slippers than socks. I knew they wouldn’t fit right due the the variance in the yarn, as it is only my second skein remember? But one is done so I can show you, though it won’t be on her since they are a surprise.
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She will be happy with them and they should be quite warm. I am pleased. I do not know if my mojo is back or not because I have had a severe lack of desire to knit paired with a cold, paired with need to study paired with lack of desire to study and desire to read for pleasure rather than class. *sigh*

On another note, Bug is a bit upset with me because I did not make myself Birthday Cakie, which she really wanted to eat.

The Mouse

The mouse, he is dead.

Know how I know?

Because the mouse, who was supposed to take the poison back to his NEST and die, or die somewhere in my walls, with winter keeping the decay smell at bay, in a last ditch effort to annoy me, chose to die in the middle of my dining room floor.

So I had to go pick him up.

But he wasn’t quite dead yet.  In fact, he told me he was feeling much better!

But apparently not better enough to run off to his nest, so I still had to pick him up.  Ugh.  This is when I want to have a man around.

How many more do we suppose I will find, half dead on my floor?  Anyone want to place some bets?

My attempt at Interweave’s tilting cables socks

Over the thanksgiving holiday I decided to try Tilting Cable socks with my KPPPM. There is pattern errata which I could not access when I was trying to start them, and in the end I found I was not enjoying the pattern whatsoever as well as being a bit annoyed about the errata. But, just for Sav, I snapped a picture before I took them apart because I really loved how the KPPPM was looking!
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So last night….

I wanted to hear the mouse!  Yes I did!  Know why?  Because I bought poison.  Yes, I have given up catching those little buggers via traps and have moved onto poison.  I have put the poison in places I don’t think my Bug can get to it even if she was out of my site, but to be honest, I truly don’t believe she’d bother with it if she saw it.  She would probably come ask me what it was and then accept my explanation.  Yeah, she is easy like that.

But I didn’t hear the mouse.  *sigh*  Maybe I will get lucky and my exhaustion just overran any noises I might have heard.

I had my second to last class last night.  One more week than the final.  I cannot tell you how pleased I will be to have it over with.  I am just TIRED and a 3 week break will be pleasant.

Here comes your fiber

To be honest, technically, I am early. On the other hand, I can’t sleep, because when I turn out the light I can SWEAR I hear a mouse. So finally I got up and took everything under my bed out and have cleaned extremely well and set a trap. Luckily I know he isn’t making a nest in my fiber…..the fiber is too high up!

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This is also Miss Violet dyed roving, 100% wool.  I am rather fascinated by the colors and am interested to see how they spin up.

Only one more day of new fiber…….then I suppose I will actually have to find a way to post knitting content.  Or something.

Beautiful gifts from another country

Recently a friend traveled to India. I was hoping for a little recycled sari silk or something. But I received much better than I wished for!

A shawl, all black, very pretty. I wore it yesterday with black slacks and a light blue shirt, the shawl dressed up the shirt very nicely.
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A stole or wrap, black with embroidered paisley’s.
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and an orange/autumn color damask style wrap that I am thinking of trying to find a plain dress to match it to wear to the upcoming wedding.
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Truly beautiful, and I am truly blessed.

Giving the Noodle some shape… , from Nick

Blocks of wood are not very effective at holding yarn so we need to carve these a bit. 1st I make a template out of some card stock (6-pack carton) and mark all four sides that need to be carved.
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Here you can see the pattern. Note the upward sweep at the ends. This should keep the yarn from falling off the ends (I hope).
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Since this surface is curved my flat disc sander will not work. Since I don’t feel like using my whittling knife (not that I own one) I attack this hunk of wood with a new toy. A drum sander that fits into my drill press.
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Here’s a video of the process
After the initial shaping I see a slight design flaw. Only a small portion of the top needs to be flat to hold the washer when this thing is screwed into the handle. That means I can have more curved area to hold more yarn.
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So it’s back to the drawing board to modify the template. And remark the arms.
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Here you can see the arm towards the top with more material removed. Much better!
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A cool side effect of gluing two boards together is the pattern the grains make. In the veneering world this effect is call book matching.
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Before I forget I drill a small pilot hole in the center. This will be drilled out after finishing to hold the dowel and screw.
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Next I get to try out my other new toy I’ve been working on for the past week. My new router table! While it’s not complete yet with all it’s guides and fences its ready to go for some round-over action.
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On a router table the bit protrudes from the bottom. This gives the full surface of the table to rest your work piece on. What I’m about to do would be VERY hard to accomplish with a hand router. Installed is a half inch round over bit. This will give the arms some nice shape for the yarn to wrap around (I hope again).
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Here’s a video of my router table being used for the 1st time.
After hitting all the edges with the round over bit and some initial rough sanding here’s where we are at.
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I’m not sure why but I think of a duck when I look at this thing. Maybe I have a future making decoys!
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Niddy Noddy Nick (from Nick, if you hadn’t guessed)

Oodles of Noodles…

OK lets’ get this party started… I’ve been commissioned once again to construct a wooden knitting device. This time a Niddy Noddy. Since I think the name Niddy Noddy sounds completely GHEY you will hear me refer to it as other things. For some reason noodle sticks in my head. So I’ll call it noodle items most of the time.

So a noodle doodle is a thing that spinners (like Shells) can wind their yarn on after spinning. Then it goes on the swift? Then into balls? I’m sure all this process has a reason, but I already know way too much about knitting…

So the wood I picked out is the same as the swift. Poplar. I purposely picked a piece with lots of green “heartwood”. Although in my research I’ve found out the green will eventually brown with exposure to the light. I guess Shells with have to Noodle in the dark if she wants it to stay green. The 1” dowel will make up the “handle” of the noodle.
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1st step is to cut the Poplar 1x2s (same stuff the swift arms are made of) into 12” lengths.
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Net I’ll have to glue two lengths together essentially making a Poplar 2×2 to carve the arms out of. For this I use Titebond III wood glue. Which is also waterproof in case Shells finds herself noodling outside in a mid-western tornado.
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The arms are clamped and set aside to cure overnight.
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Now that is yarn worth looking at.

So my second skein is done. Made from the Bluefaced Leicester roving.
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My desire is to spin laceweight. I am not quite there yet. But after spinning, plying, washing, whacking, and hanging to dry with a weight on the bottom, I have what I am pretty sure could be called fingering weight. There are still some slubby parts, but not anything to be concerned about. I am very very proud of this one! Socks for Riley coming up!


Also, I wanted to mention that since I do not yet have a niddy noddy, Nicks swift came in so handy! When I finished spinning, I set the bobbin on the lazy kate, put it up on the table, threaded the yarn through the eyelet of the ball winder, and wound the whole thing on the swift. Worked fantastically!
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Now I just have to figure out why my wheel is screaming at me.

Now for your fiber of the day. Today’s fiber comes from C*Eye*Ber Fiber. This one is also 50/50 Merino Tencel. It is shiny but not as shiny as the other. I just loved the silvery tones of this one.
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