
That fat bike of mine just keeps finding lakes to ride around!

On Tuesday evening, Mr. Ink and I decided to ignore Miss Butterfly’s protestations about riding her bike around a lake. All three of us set out in the evening to ride around one of the local lakes. It was an extremely pleasant evening. Cool but not cold. Not so many people on the trail to be annoying. And tons of things to see. We saw many deer, and Mr. Ink found us short dirt trails and gravel access roads to explore. The end of the evening had the two of them down by the shore looking at fish and lifting rocks to see what there was to see. Miss Butterfly turned over a rock only to be horrified at the resulting find. What she felt was an underwater scorpion turned out to be a crayfish.


When the mosquitoes became too overwhelming to continue and with our rapidly fading light, we headed for the parking lot, all of us a bit disappointed for it to end, and disappointed to get back to real life where watering had to be done and dinner had to be cooked. A very pleasant interlude we hope to repeat often.

Last night was my short bike ride with friends, one of them a newbie to biking in general. We rode around a different lake, and it, too, was extremely pleasant. The new bike rider took a pretty hard fall early on in the evening, when the cars were still in view and I FULLY expected her to say “Nope, not doing this!” but she took a few moments, pulled herself together, checked herself out, and decided she was ready to continue on. The newer rider and I both play pokemon go, so I set up my phone in a bag on my handlebars where the screen was visible. I then would stop for any pokemon that neither of us had. This gave the newer rider ample opportunities to stop and regroup. We made it a very fun evening that way, and she told me that stopping frequently really increased the enjoyment of riding bike for her. So, that’s another ride I hope to be able to do again soon!

Naturally, with work and then bike rides in the evening, not much in the way of crafting. But, I think maybe I’ll be able to pull together a couple of photos tomorrow.

Of Dyeing and Spinning

My weekend was overall quite relaxing. Mr. Ink and I took our bikes out for a ride around a couple of lakes. I think I am ready to start a movement. A Slow Biking movement. I took the fat tire bike out, and just thoroughly enjoyed riding around the lake with no particular mph or time goal in mind. There were puddles. I, quite literally, rode through them like this. I was discussing with a friend who also just got a fat tire bike, saying that I feel it brings out a slower and more playful side, riding my fat tire bike. He completely agreed, having the same experience.

The other nice piece of that puzzle is that I can go ride bikes with people just beginning to take up the hobby and not feel too irritable about the pace. The fat tires hold me back and slow me down so significantly, and the ride is SO comfortable, that any pace a newer rider wants to take is fine with me. And thus, we’ll be riding around the lake with a newer rider tomorrow evening.

In dyeing news, on Sunday I dyed all the remainder of the commercial top, the entire pound. And then I threw in a handful of silk as well.


I love that olive green so much I ended up doing 4 ounces of it. While I had intended to use all of these for blending, that olive green isn’t ever going to make it to a drum carder.

I’ve got loads and loads of undyed locks that can be dyed at some point, but as of right now, I am done. I put the small amount of dye equipment I had left away in the basement. It’ll be back out in the future I am sure, but I am good for now.

I also finished up my skein of 2 ply yarn made from batts I created myself. It’s 1,085 yards of fingering weight yarn, and it’s extremely soft! Softer than my drum carder should have accepted, especially since I had to do a lot of extra blending to make it look good.


I love this yarn. I love it SO MUCH! It’s beautiful, it holds interest, it’s soft, it’s got bits and bobs and yet remains overall smooth. This is a yarn I am very proud of!

It seems like I am saying that regularly lately. I think that’s good, spinning continues to hold interest and I continue to learn new things.

I haven’t started anything new yet though. Because once I start a project, I really have trouble stepping away. And these two weeks I need to be concentrating on cleaning up the house for a visitor I have coming in, and the large conference is less than 2 weeks away as well. It may be knitting almost exclusively until after the conference! I can put knitting down just fine these days.


Rainy Days

Yesterday was a day full of rain. All day rain. Not really overwhelming storms, just all day mostly gentle, but not gentle enough to be out in rain.

It forced an in day for us, and I think that was best for Mr. Ink and I. I did a bunch of spinning and knitting and dyeing. He pulled out the multiple boxes of paperwork saved from his mom’s house, as well as the stuff he’d brought home from her safe deposit box a few weeks ago, and decided to work out what needed to be saved and what could be let go of.

Now, she had a habit of making multiple copies of everything. When we were cleaning out her house, there were files all the way back to the 1960s and often there were 12 copies of everything. Mr. Ink’s sister in law and I went through that stuff back then and got it down to a reasonable level. However, that reasonable level, which entered our home, combined with what was saved from her apartment and entered our home, combined with the contents of the safe deposit box, means we had multiple copies yet again. Mr. Ink would sit there and exclaim “There are 3 copies of this pointless document!!!!” And I’d sort of roll my eyes because he has NO IDEA that 3 is a pretty good amount, all things considered.

He did manage to bring those documents down to a VERY reasonable level though. The safe deposit box hadn’t been cleaned out in probably 20 years, and there were a lot of pointless documents in there. What goes back will be so much simpler to sift through when it needs doing. And we’ve got a box that we will keep here at the house. There’s an envelope of stuff that’s family history that will go to his brother as well. And then there’s recycle and shred, making up the largest amount.

When I said I wanted to clean out the basement, I had no idea that these boxes would actually get dealt with. I just expected them to move from place to place. So I am WELL PLEASED. Plus, it’s just nice to be in the house on a rainy day, especially if you are doing what you love, and spending time with a person whose company you quite enjoy.

Did I mention the dyeing? I got a LOT of that done.


Using my crock pot slow dye method, it really leaves plenty of room for other activities. The top 3 are falkland wool, the bottom 4 are masham. The 2 darker reds are SLIGHTLY different colors. One being “vermillion” and one being “plum.” But, they are awfully close. Disappointingly close really. I shouldn’t be disappointed, after all, I am working on more dyeing today. I doubt I can get through the pound of BFL silk I’ve got up next, but I am hoping to make headway.

And, I did finish spinning the 7.5 ounces of singles I had on the wheel.


They are looking great, I think I am going to love the resulting blue yarn!

Today is supposed to be clear, cool, and comfortable. I do believe that outdoors time will be in order. I can’t wait!

And a Restart

One night of cooler air and good sleep has left me groggy, but ready for the weekend.


I am still doing a lot of dyeing wool. And I am going to list what the wools are, mostly for my own record. I know I’ll forget otherwise. The dark purple is a grey romney dyed with purple. Everything else but the mallard green is BFL. The mallard green is falkland wool.

I’ve got another bump drying in the basement and a bump in the crock pot. I think I’ll just keep at it today, as I don’t think there’s anything major going on, and Mr. Ink and I are anticipating some storms, so we aren’t planning yard work either.

Also in anticipation of the storms, I took a wander through my garden and took a few photos. One in particular I want to show off is my newest dahlia bloom.


Another stunner!

That’s it for today. I’ve been spinning singles like mad, so if all goes well, I’ll have 2 bobbins, almost 8 ounces, and a start to some plying.


Crafting came to a quick halt yesterday when our AC went out. It’s still over 90 here this week, so you can imagine our dismay! Yes, I know, Mr. Ink and I both don’t tend to let the heat stop us much, but that’s mostly due to AC and the ability to get indoors and cool off.

That wasn’t the case yesterday. It was quite irritating. I’d had a meeting downtown at the end of work, and while already downtown, figured I’d hook up with friends who live downtown for happy hour. I’d gotten a message from Mr. Ink that the house was quite warm, but I wasn’t alarmed at that point, since we’ve got some deal with the electric company that they can remotely turn off our AC twice a year during the day, saving them power and us money. We’d caught it happening earlier in the year, and figured it was our second go ’round.

But…that wasn’t the case. The AC wasn’t running at all. Thus, all yarn dyeing, laundry doing, dishwasher running, and food cooking also went on halt. It was a slow evening of sitting, and a long night of sleeping poorly.

Thankfully, it’s a lot easier to get a tech in at the end of the season than it is at the beginning of the season. I got a tech in this afternoon, took a half day from work, and let them do their work. Thankfully it was about an hour and a half of work, and a fairly inexpensive fix. (As inexpensive as these things ever are, we don’t need a new unit, and for that I am extremely grateful!)

So, I don’t have much to show you in the way of crafting, but in interest of getting a blog post up, I do have pictures of Mr. Ink’s latest garden area. Now, originally, I would mow around the front of the house. But now that there are 4 trees to mow around, I refuse to mow the front. It’s too much of a pain in the butt. I do the back and the side, and Mr. Ink has agreed to take over the front now.

Well, he got sick of mowing around stuff too, but his nemesis ended up being the downspout. So, he made a new garden.


I believe the idea is to chop back the downspout a bit, but he’s quite pleased with this arrangement, and is already talking about what annuals he’ll plant there next year.

Want a closer look at that new rose?


That’s my peace rose! Mr. Ink got it for me while he was on vacation. A local nursery was having a huge sale, and I’d had my eye on it since the beginning of the season. It seems to be taking it’s new home quite well.

Mr Ink has been digging more sod up recently, so I suspect more garden is to go in shortly. He’s also got a plethora of interesting evergreens in pots on the patio. But, much to our chagrin, it’s supposed to rain all day tomorrow. This will halt our progress quite a bit. Well, there’s always the basement needing a clean out!

Happy Friday friends, Talk tomorrow, when I can add photos of dyed wool.

Correct Color

I went back and photographed yesterday’s fiber again, along with two new bumps. Let’s see if this looks a bit more accurate!


For the record, the two new bumps are the ones on top. The one that LOOKED like the one on the top left yesterday, is the middle left. I think the colors look far better here. It always takes some time to adjust to the different light when it starts to get dark faster.

I also took a new picture of the handspun I finished. It’s also more accurate, so I can post now.


8 oz of fiber, which is BFL and silk, 290 yards 4 ply yarn. I may have no idea what to do with it, but I do LOVE it. I love the roundness of a 4 ply, and the way the colors mix up. I don’t love picking a pattern. 🙂

I got two more fiber bumps dyed yesterday evening. I had thought that all I had left of commercial top to dye was a pound of undyed BFL silk, but when I went to open the cupboard where I store that, numerous bumps of undyed commercial top fell out. So, I might be at this a little longer than I had anticipated. That’s ok, despite not enjoying dyeing all that much, I haven’t found the crock pot method I am using to be too terribly irritating. More of a set it and forget it process.

The whole point of getting this dyeing done is to get rid of some of the dyeing supplies and dyes because I am not in love with it. I want to scale back majorly. I have already been able to throw away 2 small dye containers, despite having far more dyes than I had actually realized. I have paired down my equipment as well, though there’s still a little more work to do in that department.

Having moved to a new house has really scaled back my desire to work with dyes as well. In the old rented house, I can’t say I cared much about screwing up my kitchen with dyes. After all, it hadn’t been remodeled since the 50s and desperately needed to be. But now? I have to live with the kitchen I have for awhile, and it’s my own. So dyeing has been relegated to the unfinished basement. It needs a clean out, and a year of living has created a fairly buggy space, as is typical for an unfinished basement. There are cobwebs hanging from everything. It’s…unpleasant. And, my only water access down there is the creepy basement shower, which works but isn’t particularly enjoyable to use for dye purposes.

As I write this, I think to myself that maybe finishing that basement WOULD be a good idea. Finish it into a studio, rather than a rec room that would never get used. But, it’s probably a bigger job than I’d like to take on at the moment.

In any case, now I’ve blathered, and bored my readers. Suffice it to say, there’ll be a lot more pictures of dyed fiber in the near future as I work through the undyed stash. That’s all.

Just Keep Spinning

That should be my motto I think. It’s how I act on a bike, no matter how tough the ride gets, and it’s how I go about my time at home too, if I’ve got free time.

I’ve decided to wait to show you a picture of my finished 4 ply. The picture I took yesterday turned the entire skein blue, and that wasn’t happy for me. Instead, I’ll show you what I got done in the dyeing department.


The green and the gold are on a light grey romney, the wine color is on a dark grey romney. Another great addition to my collection. I dyed up two more yesterday, but have to wait for them to dry to take photographs. That leaves me with one more 2 oz. bump of dark grey romney, and then I’ll be working through a pound of BFL/silk.

Since I finished my 4 ply, I needed another wheel project. I kind of try to alternate between wool top and batts, since I like batts better, and the danger is failing to work through the tops in my collection that I DO love, even though I tend to spin batts more readily. Well, the 4 ply was 8 oz. of top, so now I get to spin some batts, and I chose the over 7 oz. of batts of my own creation. The story of their transformation from some pretty lackluster top to great batts is here. I read that I had originally intended to spin those batts as a 3 ply, but I’ve changed my mind. These are becoming a 2 ply. I am quite pleased with the singles thus far!


This one? The photo looks just as rich and beautiful as it looks in real life. I think I’ll just keep spinning.

The Kind of Weekend

I had that kind of weekend where I relaxed so well and stayed in so much that coming back to work felt like it was actually ok with me. That’s exactly what I was looking for. We are less than 3 weeks out from the big conference, I have two grants due between now and then, and I need to feel eager and inspired to get to work. So my weekends are going to be all about hibernation from now until the conference is over.

Yesterday I was able to begin plying my 4 ply yarn:


It’s actually done now, but hanging to dry. It turned out great, and I’d say it’s an aran or even a bulky. Certainly not even as light as a worsted weight yarn.

I also decided to begin doing some dyeing. You see, awhile back I experimented with dyeing my own yarn and fiber, but even when only doing so about once a year, I realized that I just didn’t enjoy it enough to keep it up. However, I do have plenty of undyed fiber laying around, and I DO love blending fibers on the drum carder. So, I have decided that it’s time to use my dyes and dye up 2 ounce portions of different colors in anticipation of using them for blending.

I had 2 grey undyed colors of romney wool, one lighter grey and the other darker grey. I started with the light grey, threw it in the crock pot in 2 ounce portions and added dyes. I actually got 4 light greys and a dark grey done, and I plan to continue tonight, but I only got photos of two.


I think those will serve their purpose quite well! I’ll photograph the others tonight.

Miss Butterfly spent the majority of the weekend at her friends house next door. She ended up helping set up a large consignment sale with the neighbor, and for all her hard work (All day long those girls worked!) She earned herself a Halloween costume that she loves. Well, since she’d spent most of the weekend away, I decided it was time for her to spend some time with me. We went to a local lake and took a walk around it, looking for pokemon. We saw pokemon, and we saw other real life fun stuff too! Most notably, this baby snapping turtle (I think it was a snapper, I was told it was a snapper.) which Miss Butterfly INSISTED I pick up so she could see the underside of it. I tried to tell her she could pick it up, but she was having none of that. In any case, we moved the poor thing off the trail in hopes that it would head toward the water rather than get run over on a busy recreational area.


It’s a pack in and pack out park, but I can see from this photo that many are not packing out. Next time I go, I’ll grab a bag and pick up some trash while I walk. I say *I* because Miss Butterfly decided there are too many grasshoppers for her to return just now. But they don’t really bother me and I fully intend to enjoy another walk there soon.

And now it’s back to the daily grind! No telling if I can make it an entire week!

Productive Relaxing

Since yesterday was a surprise alone morning, I took full advantage by doing house chores and crafting. And a tiny bit of gardening. Once Mr. Ink got home, we hit up a garden shop and a hardware store for a couple things and then I got back to it with the crafting.


I’d say it went well! I am hoping to finish the 4th bobbin today and perhaps start on some plying. But, I would also like to get a load of stuff to goodwill and take a nice long walk. But for now? Coffee, blogging, and relaxing.

While at the garden shop, I was enjoying all the glorious mums, they look so amazing this time of year. However, I’ve got three different kinds of mums in my garden already, and I didn’t feel an overwhelming need for more. Until I saw these red mums.


Mr Ink was in total agreement that they were glorious, and so we got them. At the end of the season I’ll divide them up and put them in the garden to see if they make it another season. All we have in there is pink, purple, and white so I think the red are a wonderful addition. There was another I really liked that was cream into coral, but I figured one a year with the mums is plenty!

My day was exactly what I needed yesterday, so we will see if I can manage the same today!

A Wonderful Day

Miss Butterfly, Mr. Ink, and I all had/took yesterday off. Mr. Ink has been on vacation all week, getting various projects and yard work done around the house. Miss Butterfly had a scheduled day off school. While I could not take the entire week off due to work projects, I was able to sneak in a Friday off. This will be it, I think, prior to the large conference coming up mid October.

Mr. Ink had suggested a zoo visit, but, while I don’t really know what’s wrong with me, I never really enjoy visiting the zoo. We have an amazing zoo here! But, it makes me feel hot and sweaty, it’s stinky, because that’s the way zoos are, and I always feel like the hot sweaty stink clings and I come home with it all sticking to me. Seriously, I have no idea what’s wrong with me, but it doesn’t make a pleasurable experience for me. So instead, I suggested the local botanical garden. Mr. Ink and I never had been there, and so he said maybe we could do both. I didn’t think we could, so I said “Let’s start with the botanical gardens.”

We got in there, and Mr. Ink realized just how large it was. We spent all day, we ended up leaving for lunch around 2 p.m., eating at a local long established restaurant, then headed back for more botanical garden fun. At the end of the day, Mr. Ink decided that a membership would be in order for us, as we are all quite interested in plants and gardening, and it seems likely that we could easily go at least once each season, enjoying different blooms.

I didn’t take many photos during the day. Most of Mr. Ink’s photos were ones of labels on plants for future reference. Mostly though, we just took it all in and came home full of beauty and ideas. And we didn’t even see it all!

Once home, and after I took a quick nap, I got to do some spinning. I finished up a bobbin. This is another 8 oz project, and it’ll be a 4 ply yarn.


The early morning light has this looking a little more neon than it appears in real life, but I am just impressed I got some spinning done!

This morning was a bit of a surprise. Miss Butterfly headed to a friends house last night for a sleep over. And then I realized that Mr. Ink returned to work this morning rather than Monday morning like I had expected. So, I ended up with a surprise quiet morning! In which to do laundry and other various household tasks. But, there’s still something quite delicious about doing those tasks in a thoroughly quiet home.

How’s your weekend going?

Extreme Comfort Knitting

Hey all! Long time, no see! For real, work this week and last was an absolute mess. Not my fault, but at times it sure felt like it! It IS the busiest time in 2 years (this is my 10th year working on this project, and it’s always a mess at this point) but one of my other projects is over and now I can concentrate on my  job and one big project. I’ll be stressed until mid October, but having one messy large project out the door is absolutely wonderful.

So, basically in the evenings I’ve been crashing. It’s so tough, when work is so awful that I have no mental energy left for anything enjoyable at the end of a work day. Thankfully, my family has been extremely kind, and quite supportive of my extreme self care needs.

I’ve done a lot of reading. I’ve done some knitting. I’ve done absolutely NO spinning. I’ve done the tiniest bit of pleasurable gardening (not the tough stuff.) but my garden does desperately need more attention. There’s also been family movie and pizza nights right in the middle of the week!

So, let me start by walking you through my current knitting. You may remember I’d started the pinched scarf out of Miss Marja’s handspun. I am quite a bit further on it, but I did run into a couple hiccups, namely the potential of running out of yarn, ripping half the scarf back, and taking out a large section. I am now in full on yarn chicken mode, but I am hoping for the best. But, because yarn chicken is stressful, I am not working on this much.


It’s still lovely, but there’s no potential for more of this yarn, so if I do not have enough, it’ll go back in stash for something else. I’ll face that maybe later this weekend.

I also started a Circles of Lace scarf which is going nicely. It’s also out of Miss Marja’s handspun, and it’s handspun that is a complete pleasure to work with, as it’s a lightly spun, lightly plied laceweight. Basically my favorite.


It’s going to make a great scarf!!

And then there’s the Nahant. The Nahant pattern for me is basically the most extreme comfort knitting pattern I can work on. The pattern is easy and beautiful with just enough to make it interesting. I decided to pair the pattern with my 3 ring circus loop/fat cat knits 2 ply.


It’s really working for me on every level!

There are a few new things in my garden. My tuberous begonias are finally blooming, and I threw in another dahlia picture for you as well.

On Wednesday evening we had Miss Marja’s dog Max come to visit. Dog sitting is our great pleasure right now, since we don’t have one and have no plans to get one. This week? Sitting under a dog in the evening was awesome, and Miss Bug enjoyed her time with Max as well.

Last weekend at Mr. Ink’s request, we kicked off his vacation with a game night. We played Cards Against Humanity, which is something we were playing regularly a couple years ago but basically I think we overplayed it and got bored. It’s been a long while, and so we thought we’d try again. Mr. Ink is particularly good at this game, and it also makes him laugh harder than anything else. There’s the giggling he does while he puts potential cards together, and then there’s the all out loosing it and laughing until the point of tears he does when someone manages to play a particularly great card combo. He also always wins, but watching him bust a gut makes it all worthwhile.

Did I mention the food? We always do great food while playing games!

That’s it, a bunch of enjoyable moments in an otherwise cruddy week! I am off today, as is the rest of my family, so we are headed out to some gardens to do some walking and soaking in the beauty. See you on the flip side!

A Quick Project

I am not sure if I felt that this project went quickly or the week went quickly. That’s still to be decided. Could be a little of both. However, the two batt project I had chosen for my next spinning project is already spun and plied!


The batts were from BeeMiceElf. And, the yarn has more add ins than is showing up here I think! It’s a 2 ply yarn, and I got 305 yards from  it. I tried to spin a thicker single again for these, as I figured that would even out the chunky stuff, and it seems to have. I would say it’s about a dk weight, but I didn’t actively measure it or anything.

Anyhow, it was a good little project! Lots of fun, very quick, and the colors are lovely. Time to choose another spinning project! (Though I seem to actually be suffering from a case of castonitis right now.)



I finished a second knitting project over the weekend! I’d started out with some of my handspun singles, but decided I didn’t actually want to knit them as singles. Nothing wrong with the yarn itself of course, I just didn’t love the colors as they were. So, I decided to do a project holding those singles double. I chose the Ethereal Cowl, which is a bulky quick knit, and it worked out quite well!


If I had to knit this again, and I might because it was a rather pleasant knit, I’d do a provisional cast on so I could graft the beginning and end together. It’s not a particularly lovely looking seam quite frankly. That being said, the bulkiness of the cowl itself and the cable and lace combo is pretty fantastic! I really had a hard time envisioning this one until I blocked it. For some reason, in my head, it was disjointed. It was after a blocking that I realized the entire point was to have the lace be the body of the cable. In any case, I like the colors better this way, the pastels all separate didn’t really work for me.

Naturally, I picked another project immediately. After all, I’d managed to knit myself out of a work project this weekend.


This is the Pinched! pattern on Ravelry out of Miss Marja’s handspun. It was hard to get a proper colored photo, the yarn is GLORIOUS in color in person! I have modified this pattern quite a bit, as it’s not the best written pattern as is. (It’s also free, so no actual complaints!) I am doing the increases on either end of the rows rather than at the beginning of each row, and leaving a knit stitch on either end of the pinched sections that is not decreased. I prefer it that way. But, no matter how I chose to knit it, it would look wonderful in that handspun yarn! I love this project so much I suspect it’ll fly off the needles. Thus, I need to pick out and begin another at home project. No decisions have been made yet on that!

An Exciting Day.

Today was a rather exciting day in my garden, but I’ve no pictures to show you about it. Miss Butterfly, on her trip to visit my east coast family and friends this summer, found a beautiful, tall, tiger lily. She noticed that lily was producing seeds, as some lilies do, and decided to pick a few. Now, having recently researched for myself how to propagate lilies, I knew that just yanking those seeds off the stem and leaf was unlikely to work. However, this is my kid we are talking about, and I was willing to give it a try.

Yesterday I decided it was a fine time to get those seeds in the ground. Around here, we are likely to have fair weather into November, we’ve often gotten our first frost then. So I figured these seeds might have a chance. Oddly enough, once I dug a hole for them, I noticed that those seeds had already started to sprout. It was a complete surprise to me! No telling if we’ll get lilies out of them, and if we do, it’ll be 2-6 years before we get blooms from what I read. But, if we get lilies out of seeds, she would be quite pleased.

After that little triumph, I decided to check on my lily scales. You might remember these lilies?

Well, when I dug them up to replant them in a more appropriate place, I pulled some scales off the bulbs, and threw them in a ziploc bag with some dirt, sealed it, and shoved it into the garage in a dark spot. This was what was instructed when I researched, but again, I didn’t have much hope for my propagation skills.

Guys! I decided to check on the scales, and they are sprouting! In fact, there was one scale with a sprout that was about 8 inches in height! I decided to plant that one in the garden, just to see if it had time to establish. It had a NICE little root system going on as well! The others, I think, we’ll overwinter indoors allowing them even more time to grow strong but I wanted to try one this way as well.

With such great triumphs in my garden, I decided to take the time to plant the seeds of a japanese candelabra primrose my mom sent home with Miss Bug. We identified the boggiest shady spot, and planted them there. Now my fingers are crossed for those too! I’ve come a long way from the person who could kill anything just by touching it!


I finished this too, and it’s dry and I can show it off. That’s…1720 yards of 2 ply laceweight yarn! Seriously. No wonder it felt like it would never, ever, EVER end! The plying that is. The spinning was actually a pleasure. I ended this project thinking “I HATE PLYING SO MUCH!” But I knew it was just burn out from that project and the 3 ply directly before.

The only real solution was to get some more singles on a bobbin, don’t you think?


Finished Objects and Other Lovely Things

I have done what I set out to do this weekend, I’ve relaxed and crafted. Though…I haven’t binged watched netflix even though it was on my list. The thing is, I realized that there’s really no TV out there that I want to binge watch and miss wonderful weather for. So that got shoved to the side.


I finished plying some singles!


I finished my 2 color baktus scarf! (It’s huge! And I’ll never wear it, so it’s in the gift pile.)

I took pictures of my lovely dahlia.


And, I helped Mr. Ink get another load of stones and edge another section of garden.


(Before and After)

And I might just have another knitted finished object before too long!

Plan for today? Well, it’s gonna be another hot one. Miss Butterfly and I will start the day with some pokemon playing and walking at a local park, in hopes to find some we haven’t seen before. Then I am not sure. It’s kind of up to Mr. Ink as I’d be satisfied to stay home and clean and craft. But, if he’s got other ideas, I’d be up for them too.

Pushing Through to Completion


Yesterday morning I kept after those singles, sitting out on my patio in the cool weather for awhile, then moving inside when the sun came out. I had invited Miss Marja over to keep me inspired, so she came for a visit, and by that time I was plying.

I ended up finishing, soaking, and hanging the yarn to dry in the sun and wind yesterday.


I ended up with 300 yards of a 3 ply dk to worsted weight yarn, I am not sure which, I need to get out my WPI tool. It turned out pretty well, and I kept the allergies to a minimum I think. And I am quite pleased with the resulting thicker yarn!

It stayed a pretty quiet day yesterday. We got the mowing done, we wandered off to a plant store where Mr. Ink picked up 3 more tiny evergreens at 75% off and I drooled over a rose but didn’t purchase. Yet. They are having a big sale soon. Miss Bug was out and about with friends all day, despite having had a sleep over the night before, then she was off to watch a football game with her dad. Only to return and go nextdoor for another sleep over. We will be insisting she spend a little time at home later today and tomorrow.

This, naturally, left time for me to work on more plying.


I know I kept talking about my CMF singles and how I thought I would 3 ply them due to the crazy colors. Guys? I don’t even know if I will ever get my hands on another CMF superwash merino bump, and I REALLY wanted some 2 ply laceweight out of it. So that’s what I ended up doing. And I am pleased with the result so far! I started with 11 spindles, I’ve now got 6 left to ply. So, it was a pretty decent start!

We are supposed to have another fairly gorgeous day. Maybe not SO gorgeous as to find that I need a jacket to sit on the patio in the evening, but certainly not miserable either. Tomorrow it’ll be in the 90s again, so we are taking what we can out of today, hopefully going for a bike ride, and spending time outdoors. Then maybe we’ll just swim tomorrow. But, we ARE achieving restful I think!

Pushing Through

Yesterday, a day off for me, was absolutely lovely. It was a comfortable temp, and I drove out with a friend to see an exhibition at a gallery in another city. I’ll have some photos of that at some point, but I haven’t gone through and picked the best yet. We also walked around quite a bit and played a little pokemon. While Miss Butterfly has been playing while we walk sometimes, that was the first time that I had played myself. It was fun!

Once home, after a nap and while I waited for the girls to come home, I decided to start spinning on the porch. Yes, girls, because Miss Butterfly was having a sleepover.

I powered through the second allergy causing batt last evening.


It’s the one with the pink. I spun outdoors since the weather was so pleasant, and that did seem to help!

Mr. Ink and I also cleaned the gutters, a job that fills me with fear even though he’s the one on the roof. Then I sat back down, and worked on the third batt.

The girls made chocolate chip cookies, and Mr. Ink made dinner, and I kept spinning. The girls went to the neighbors, where another sleep over was taking place with 3 other little girls, and then decided to stay there for the night. That mother must have more patience than me, or they have a much larger house. 5 little girls, 4 of which are not your own? But she was most agreeable to the idea even so.

Mr. Ink put in an episode of Fargo that we are working our way through, and I kept spinning.


And now I am halfway through the third batt as well. I am a little sniffly this morning, but the intention is to power through the rest of this today, if possible, and then put it to rest. Thankfully, it’s again gorgeous outside, so I’ll be able to work more outdoors until the sun hits the patio.

I have two more projects from this same company sitting in stash. I don’t know if the next two projects will cause the same issues. I am not overly eager to find out. But, my optimistic brain says this project is a one off, and it won’t happen again.


I truly think that the baktus pattern is wonderful to knit, despite the fact I rarely find myself wearing the finished object. Perhaps because it’s a fast knit, and I often give away the finished object.

My current baktus is proceeding much the way others have, quickly, with great mindless enjoyment. I’ve begun the decreasing portion, and am thrilled that this little stashbuster is getting 2 more skeins out of my house. Or rather, into an object that can happily leave my house.


I’d been working on this at work, but with my 4 day weekend and me being so close to done, I brought it home. I’ll find something else new and mindless for work next week.

And now? Time to make breakfast, do chores, and then have a little fun with my quiet day off!

Ruched Scarf

At any other time, I would have considered this an exceedingly boring knit. But, at this time in my life, it’s JUST what I needed. And honestly? It turned out better than I imagined as well.

I alternated skeins of handspun that were the same colorway but different dye lots. They were also skeins of different skill levels. That did keep things on mostly an even keel.

This is one amazingly soft and squishy item. I am sure that has something to do with the ruching having been knit on much bigger needles than the non ruched parts. If I’d had enough yarn, I probably would have added another ruched section, and then it would have been almost too wide! As it is, it’ll make a lovely and serviceable scarf.

This one finished up and left me with what felt like a bit of a black hole in my knitting. I couldn’t quite figure out what to do next, I didn’t have time or energy to cast on the more complicated cowl I planned to knit next, I’d left my other project at work, I am not currently spinning due to the allergy situation, and all my support spindles (Well, all the ones I love anyhow) are full of singles and quite frankly I wasn’t feeling the energy to start plying at the wheel anyhow.

I ended up grabbing the ball of yarn from my yarn bowl monster head


And I cast on for a project out of that handspun. Naturally, this means I need to make a new brain for my yarn bowl. And take a new photo too, because that christmas cactus has about doubled in size!

It’s my Friday! I have 4 whole days of glorious almost nothing planned. I have a plan to knit, spin, and binge watch Fringe, as I am partway through season 3, and would LOVE to complete it before it leaves Netflix on Sept. 11. (though looking at just how many episodes that is…it seems unlikely I’ll manage that.) Miss Butterfly has a sleepover planned tomorrow evening, so the house will be full of some of my favorite kids.

What are you anticipating over the weekend?