Bathroom Reno part 8

Last evening, after posting, I put almost a coat of paint on the walls of the bathroom, got distracted by working around the mirror, and realizing that our light fixture was hideous, and waited for Mr. Ink to get home.

Once he did, I told him I wanted a new light fixture. Since we are making so much progress making the bathroom our own, and updating it, I couldn’t live with the light fixture. He said “I’ve said that since before we moved in.” Well, that’ll teach me to start listening!

I left him to explore light fixtures online while I went to get yet another creepy basement shower. Despite the fact that I wanted to go out and look at fixtures in person, I ended up in PJs. And they weren’t warm enough so I donned a sweatshirt as well. Mr. Ink took one look at me and said “Hey, are you ok?” I said “Yeah, I just can’t seem to get warm.” And we went about our business.

Then Miss Butterfly got home, and she took one look at me and said “Mom, are you getting sick?” I said “No, I am fine, I just can’t get warm.”

I am sure you know where this is going. I woke up this morning with a sore throat, crusty nose, and drippy sinuses. As well as a general all around yucky feeling.

Now, we’ve got a party to go to tonight which I need to make food for, I’ve got a million errands to run, AND, I needed to get the grouting done on the bathroom. Since I have no interest in postponing the shower makeover, I decided to do the grouting for sure, and see where the rest shakes out.


Well, I’ll tell you what. Grouting is fun. AND, it covers a multitude of evils. I really love the result! I am glad I did it. However, I had someone tell me it would only take an hour. I cursed him at 3 hours in. Let’s face it, I am slow at EVERYTHING when it comes to new projects. But, I think that pays off in the end.

But, I am also exhausted, and fixing to take a nap next, and see what I can accomplish afterwards.

Bathroom Reno part 8

How long has this been going on?

I was so determined to get the last of the tiles done last night. I knew I didn’t have much  more than 2 hours of work left. But, by the time I got back from the hardware store, and Mr. Ink was done clearing our massive driveway, and we had dinner, it was after 10 p.m.  And I knew that starting something at 10 p.m. is really bad news for me. I am just not at my sharpest at that time.

So I had to settle for the most perfect hole in a tile I’ve ever seen.


And then I went to bed.

This morning I got started around 9. The first thing I did was get that tile in, and then lamented the fact that I didn’t think it necessary to cut new holes in all the tiles.


But that’ll be easily forgotten once the fixtures are in.

Then I finished the wall, and I was right, it was about 2 hours worth of work, and then more than an hour of clean up.


You may notice that I’ve already taped for painting. I am hoping to get started on the painting today. I might as well, now that I have to wait until tomorrow to grout!

Bathroom Reno part 7

Today, I am moving right along. I finished the back wall.


SOOOO happy to be done with that one. Then, I started the wall with the plumbing.


I was pretty excited to make 3 out of 4 old tiles fit here. We moved the pipes a bit and attached them differently, so I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to use these. Thankfully, they do fit, though not quite the way they used to. I pulled out the fixtures and made sure the holes would not show. They don’t, so that’s a win.

Right now I am sitting at “almost done.” with the tile. I’ve got to finish up this wall, but I need Mr. Ink to get home so we can discuss how we are putting a hole in one green tile. Then I’ll finish up this wall. I can’t wait! It’s my intention to finish tiling tonight.

Tomorrow during the day I’ll paint. Then I can grout in the evening, once the thinset is officially dry. All that will be left is to seal it and clean up!

Which is great, because showering in the creepy basement shower is getting old!

Bathroom Reno part 6

A day off(ish) was lovely. I finished waterproofing, Don made sure everything was ready to go with the plumbing, I cleaned, and I taped in the anticipation of painting in the fairly near future.

I also snuck in some spinning time.


I am not sure I showed this off before, but this is from batts I created, out of BFL I dyed, as well as silk add ins and some loop extras.I actually got this particular bobbin done. It was nice.

Today, we got a snow storm. Now, we knew THIS one was coming. The last one we had little knowledge of before hand, and they told us 1-3 inches, but we got more than 7. THIS storm they’ve predicted all week, sometimes we were told that we would get more than 10 inches of snow. Well, we got snow, but I’d say it was more in the range of the unpredicted snow storm. Maybe 7 inches. Not sure though.

No matter, Miss Butterfly and I were inside for the day. Mr. Ink had to go in to work, but we were home. She said she planned to build legos with her blinds open so she could watch the storm. And that she did.

I tiled. I had a really hard time getting motivated. But once I got my thinset mixed, I was at it for a solid 6 hours. Butterfly was good to come help when I needed it. Even after 6 solid hours of tiling, I couldn’t get the back wall done. I got 10 out of 14 rows done, but after 6 hours, my thinset was no longer thin, and I needed to go snowblow the driveway so Mr. Ink could get back home.


I will certainly have this wall finished tomorrow, and at least row one on the final wall. If I really push, I might even be able to get it all done. We’ll see! I am certainly at a point where it would be lovely to get finished now.

A Day Off

I’ve decided to take today off from bathroom renovation. Mostly. I’ve got some water proofing left to do, so I’ll get that done. Mr. Ink worked on getting me a new faucet and valves installed. The 1960s hot water faucet was beginning to leak, and I figured if we had the walls down, now’s the time to change it. Plus, putting grungy 55 year old hardware back on a freshly tiled wall seemed….morale killing. We also noticed that the pipes had come loose from where they were to be secured, the old screws rusted through. So we took the time to fix that too, even though it necessitated widening the access panel in my craft room closet. Of course, all this made quite a mess, so I can take today to get things cleaned back up as well.

Additionally, the house itself is getting a bit out of control. I’ve not had the time to work on it, and beyond the things I’ve asked Mr. Ink to do for me, it’s just settling into a state I cannot live with. I can’t ask Mr. Ink to keep it up to my standards and ask him to help me, and cook for me as well.

We also decided that maybe, just maybe, it would be nice to do something “fun” or not home related for our holiday. So we will see a movie, I’ll get laundry done, and get some light clean up done, and waterproofing, and then I’ll have the entire day to devote to tiling tomorrow.

In the meantime, I can absolutely say that no more knitting or spinning will be completed this year. Which brings me to totals. We’ve had SUCH a busy  year and my totals are lower than ever! I only managed to knit a little over 9 miles of yarn this year, despite the fact that included in that is my entire lizard ridge blanket. As for spinning, I’ve only spun a little over 7 miles of yarn this year. Again, that’s pretty low.

I have, however, decided to start keeping track of  my spinning a little differently. I think I am going to go with the idea that singles count as how much you’ve spun. Thus, if I spin 200 yards of a 3 ply, that will count as 600 yards. That’s for the new year. It’ll up my totals, but it’ll also be a more accurate representation.

I’ll be back with more pictures of tiles tomorrow. I even started taping for the upcoming painting of the walls last evening! I am so excited to have a new, modified bathroom!

Bathroom Reno part 5

And a bit of a holiday update.

Hi all! I hope for those of you celebrating, you had a lovely holiday! We sure did. We had Mr. Ink’s daughter over, and his mother, for a late dinner and gift exchange. Then we played one of Miss Butterfly’s new games. It was low key, and it was very relaxing.

Which is great, because I had spent 7 hours scraping the adhesive off old tile, and it was the 4th day in a row of the same. I was just exhausted and my hand hurt so badly.


While Mr. Ink made Christmas dinner, I sat with ice on my hand and enjoyed a glass of wine. I was absolutely Done IN.

That night, I ended up having nightmares that someone drove over my pile of neat and tidy scraped tiles and ruined them, forcing me to continue scraping another day.

Day after Christmas I finally got to put tiles back up! And it was exhausting.


It is really really hard work, and that first row is so difficult, I just wasn’t mentally prepared. After I finished this wall, I decided I was done for the day. I’ll be more prepared tomorrow. In place of continuing to tile, Mr. Ink and I went to the hardware store and picked up grout and sealer, as well as a new faucet. If I can get inspired tonight, I may do some taping of the walls in anticipation of painting in the very near future.

I maintain that Mr. Ink and I have the best set up. I do my thing, with no interference. Which I prefer. And then when I need help, I call. He jumps up and jumps in. Today, he made me lunch so I could have a quick break, and when I was done, he cleaned up my mess while I got a shower. It’s a perfect set up for me.

Hopefully I’ll be back tomorrow with another wall! And someday, I’ll get an opportunity to do crafts again! But, at the moment I am barely missing them.


Bathroom Reno part 4

As I mentioned yesterday, my cement board went up on Monday evening. But, we didn’t get a chance to do the small patches in the corners of the tub that needed to be done. I was so eager to get started when I got home from work yesterday, that I cut and added the patches myself.

Because the next step was waterproofing, and I was quite eager to get started!


So, officially I have the walls up, and the waterproofing done. I also rinsed some tiles I’d sprayed mold remover on. But, I am still sitting at 65 out of 196 tiles cleaned, which isn’t great. I had hoped to have Mr. Ink look into a possible faster way of getting them cleaned up, but I just ran out of juice after the waterproofing was done and I had dinner.

Tonight on the schedule is a trip to the hardware store for thinset, after I take Mr. Ink’s mom to the dentist. Then home for tile cleaning, to which I am hoping will go a little faster than it did on Monday! The tile needs a full 24 hours to dry, and I’d really like to get started on Christmas eve!

As far as the holidays are concerned, while we are hosting a Christmas dinner at our house, we have explained quite clearly that it won’t be a typical “Shells” situation in the house. Mr. Ink will be responsibly for the meal, and it might not be overly clean and tidy as my time will be spent on the bathroom project.

Mr. Ink, a man of few words, has been quietly supportive of my project. He doesn’t interfere, just quietly and quickly gets down to work when I ask him for help with something. As I mentioned before, our relationship works really well when I ask for what I need. So, last night I asked him if he was proud of me for doing all this. (Because, quite frankly, *I* am proud of me.) And he was very quick to respond with a “YES! So much yes! You are amazing and awesome!”  To which I said “Good, because I plan to redo the kitchen and dining room floor next, and I don’t want to hire someone for it. I am hoping if I do a good job on this, you won’t be too nervous when I decide to do that.”



Bathroom Reno part 3

I took Monday off to hang out with Miss Butterfly, and to continue work on the bathroom.

We picked out 196 of the nicest blue tiles to set aside for scraping and cleaning.


This is not all 196, but it’s some. I’d already begun adding tile to boiling water so that we could get them well scraped.

We basically spent all day scraping the backs of tile while watching “Buffy” and “Angel” in the basement. I can’t believe how invested she’s been in this entire process.


She can actually get a tile cleaner than I can, it’s very impressive. As is her staying power. It’s exhausting work, I’ll admit. But it’s also wonderful bonding time.

We were able to get 65 tiles scraped and cleaned. That doesn’t feel like enough, AT ALL. But, I’ll keep after them, and I think I can get Mr. Ink to give us a hand as well this week.

Last night after dinner, Mr. Ink and I went to pick up my cement board and got that installed. We have walls in the bathroom again. I need to get the hydrobarrier up, and I’ve only just realized that if I don’t get thinset now, I won’t have it when I (hopefully) need it on Christmas day!

There’s been NO knitting at all. I was working on a scarf for Mr. Ink’s mom for Christmas, and even that’s on hold. I am afraid scraping tile has my hands so messed up that no knitting can be achieved. But honestly? I do not care. I am loving this process as much as I love a good knit or spin project, so it doesn’t bother me. Just doesn’t leave a lot of interesting reading or pictures for those of you who come here for the knitting and spinning!

Bathroom Reno Part 2

I had to work all Spinday at it, not getting even a small chance for spinning, but the tile is now completely off the bathroom shower/tub area.


I yanked out the worst “wetwall” board right away. And then kept after all the tile. As I got to portions where the back was less water damaged, those tiles became far more difficult to remove. It took a lot of time and energy, and I had to use a hammer to force my scraper behind each one. I lost a few in the process, but since I only need about half, that was ok.

Mr. Ink was worried I would be too eager to take down the walls all the way to the studs before even knowing what the damage was. So, I tried to evaluate carefully what the wallboard damage actually was, even though I really preferred the idea of a clean working surface, taking the entire thing down to the studs. Well, as it turns out, that was a job for Mr. Ink, I couldn’t easily get the wallboard removed, and as soon as he came in, he said “Are you sure you want to leave any? Seems like it might be best to remove it all so we can be sure we won’t suffer this type of damage again!” To which I said “Yes, yes, that is what I want!” And it was done.


Last evening I sprayed mold and mildew remover on those studs, as even though they are in fine shape, they were a little damp when I removed the wallboard. They’ve had a good deal of time to dry out, and they’ll have all day today as well. Then, tonight, I hope to get the cement board up.

Miss Butterfly and I have today off. We carefully chose the best of the blue tiles and our plan today is to scrape them carefully to make sure they are ready to be put back on the wall. It was a tough search actually, as we had to inspect each tile for damage to the front, and many of the tiles were moldy, with the backs cracking and mold infused into those tiny cracks. I just do not want to use those!

Mr. Ink and I have found a very nice way for me to do home improvement projects, it works for us both. I envision what I’d like to do. Then, I tell him what I want to do, and let him think on it. Then he presents me with further information and ideas. I think on that for awhile. Then I gather my tools and start my project. I leave him out of it completely until I actually find something I cannot physically do or figure out. Then he steps in and gives a hand. This is working very well for  us, as I like my projects to be “mine” and this way I always get that sense of satisfaction of being the lead on it.

It must be working for him as well, because he’s no longer balking at the idea of me taking on more projects. 🙂

Bathroom Reno

Let’s start with the pretty stuff. I finally finished spinning my green/blue/purple gradient batts. They are a laceweight singles, and they are gorgeous!


I ended up with 1425 yards, which is a surprisingly large amount, and I am so pleased with it! It’s also very sparkly, even though that doesn’t show up very well in this picture.

In other news, the bathroom reno started last night. I had intended to start after lunch, but Mr. Ink wanted to go car shopping. So, we did that instead. I ended up starting at 5:30, and it was 8:40 when I quit, I had no clue what time it was, and just how hungry I was! So, hyperfocus was certainly achieved.

I started with the one cracked tile on the back wall. I’d read over and over that you might have to break a tile to start, but once you got that one out you could probably pull down the remainder saving most. Well, I removed all the grout from around the cracked tile and it certainly popped right out. As did the rest around it.


The thinset on the tiles was like cake batter, it was so wet. And I could have poked a hole into the drywall behind it. It’s also full of mold, and every tile had our noses  assaulted with more of a terrible stench from that mold.

Miss Butterfly was so helpful! She started by just running errands for me. Then when all the hardware needed to come out, she got out screwdrivers and removed as much hardware as she could. Pretty soon, after watching me scrape the backs of the tiles and set them in water, she sat down next to me and asked to do the scraping. I was surprised at how eager she was to help, and how helpful she actually was. She said “Mom, I always assumed I’d work on big projects like this with my dad. But I never have! Instead, I get to work on big projects with my mom!” Parenting win!


I am now a little farther along than this, but ran out of juice last night. I am also getting myself into tile that’s not quite as water damaged now, and so it doesn’t want to pop out with ease. My hope for today is to get the rest of the tile out and get cement board up. I will need Mr. Ink’s help with that. Then, I can use tomorrow, which I have taken off, to seal the seams and the cement board with hydrobarrier, and use the rest of the time to continue cleaning tiles.

In my relationship with Mr. Ink, I believe firmly in telling him what I need. Last night I said “I need you to come in the bathroom and look at the progress and say nice things.” He came into the bathroom, looked at my progress and said “You’re insane!” Then we talked about the project a bit and what I’d expect from him the next day. Then he said “I’d like to revise my earlier statement. You’re brave!”

I don’t really feel brave at the moment. Or ever. I do know that I can be extremely obsessive, and any price I pay to make this bathroom better means every time I walk in the bathroom I no longer have to obsessively worry about the wall falling in. To me, it’s entirely worth it. And the cost of home ownership. So far, so fun!

Surprise Batts!

Miss Butterfly (Formerly known as Bug), Miss Marja, and I have a tradition around Christmas. We get together one Saturday or Sunday morning, enjoy some delicious holiday treats, watch a Christmas movie, and Butterfly gets her gifts from Miss Marja. Miss Marja and I get to do some spinning during the movie. It’s all very pleasant, and a tradition that we all look forward to!

It’s a bit hard to get really into the season this year. I mean, I WANT to feel all Christmasy, my tree has been up for ages, but between the warm weather, the lack of snow, and the busy work season, I am just struggling. I guess knowing that while I have some wonderful time off coming up, we also don’t have far flung family coming in, and I’ll be doing home improvements rather than sipping hot chocolate and spinning, isn’t really helping either.

So, I am counting on this time with Miss Marja to really kick off my holiday spirit. I created some batts for her, but there are no pictures beyond the finished object ones. Since these were to be a surprise, I didn’t want to give anything away. Also, I MIGHT have become unreasonably angry with these batts, and had to not look at them for awhile before I could look at them favorably. This post will go up during the time we are hanging out, so I don’t ruin a surprise.

These batts are alpaca and silk with a bit of sparkle and some loop fiber. They’ll be a bit odd to spin, and the silk isn’t nearly as blended as I hoped, because my drum carder HATES alpaca. I had forgotten that when I started, but remembered by the time I was done with the first batt, and cursing myself for realizing I had 3 more to do. All in all, I think this is a good 5 ounces of fiber, if not more.


I really think they’ll be pretty once spun up, and I had a hard time remembering that I was to give these away, rather than keep them for myself.


Renovations Part 1

When I purchased my house, I fell in love with all the original 1960s details that hadn’t been changed, since I’d purchased it from the original owners. One of the things I loved was the blue tile in the bathroom.


You can just see the tile in the above picture, as well as the shower curtain we are working with.

Unfortunately, one of those tiles cracked. I noticed it right away, and have been keeping an eye on it. Also, I noticed that the grout would just fall out every time I cleaned the shower. So, I kept caulking those grout lines in hopes to just keep it together for awhile. For awhile there, I would think “I think that back wall is bowing.” But it was hard to tell if that was my anxiety speaking or if that was actually happening. Well, it’s become apparent that was not my anxiety speaking. The crack in the tile on the wall I think is bowing is very much so widening. Here it is:


Also, we don’t really need those bars.


Here’s another photo, you can see along the corner wall that the tiles are actually trying to pop themselves out, and are held in by caulk.

And here’s another thing that has been bugging me, it looks like the tile was put in, then the tub settled over time, and the gap between the tile and the tub is really large.


And, the tile sitting right there? Is the lime green I have decided to put in, along with the old tiles if I can manage to remove them without completely ruining them. Seeing as they are trying to pop off anyhow, I should be able to. But we won’t know until I start. Tomorrow.


Yesterday I was able to get home at a reasonable time, since Miss Butterfly (formerly known as Bug) had an appointment to have her braces removed. She now has straight teeth! For one blissful week she has no braces or retainer, and the receptionist handed her a goody bag of candy and gum to enjoy for one week.

Because I was home early, I got to take photos! And that was quite exciting for me. I’ve been so busy at work and at home, and I just haven’t gotten home during the daylight at all this week. Until yesterday.

So, updates. Here we go. My green/blue/purple batts are coming along. In this picture I am on the third batt, and you can see the color of the second batt in one corner. I must have put way more than 4 ounces into these batts, as my bobbin is far fuller than I expect it to be at this point.


I’ve gotten a bit farther now, into the final batt, but not done yet. I am hoping to finish this evening as we have our first free evening, after some errands after work, this week.

Next up, a project you haven’t seen yet. I’ve been knitting up my Loop Rose Garden singles, remember them?


They are pretty and I love them, and I started knitting them into a Forest Path Stole, which is entrelac lace. Since I am having some concern about yardage, I decided to bead the stitches that are meant to be nupps, and I think they look quite fabulous. I have some matching beads, but I fear I will run out very quickly. And I am not sure if I can get more. I might just use other colors as I move forward.


It’s a little crazy with colors going every which way, but it gives me great pleasure to see each block come together. Also, this has been my LIFE SAVER over the past two weeks. If I really need to calm down, knitting is what I revert to. And I’ve spent a lot of time needing to calm down lately. The fact that these are twenty stitch, forty row blocks make them ideal for that immediate gratification knitting. I don’t end up with a complete project, but I end up with a complete block, and that feels just as good to me right now.

And finally, I recently showed off my latest drum carding project,


But I was unable to get finished object photos. Until now. Here are my batts from last weekend’s drum carding project.


They look so coppery, or metallic. I love them. They’ve got BFL, a whole bunch of silk, and some loop fiber. No additional sparkles beyond what was already in the loop fiber. Since I am absolutely obsessed currently with singles, these might end up singles as well. Since they each have different tones, I won’t spin them into a gradient this time, instead I’ll pull strips off each batt and mix them all up. These’ll be my next spinning project, to be started on Saturday.

Tomorrow’s post? Will be all about my upcoming home improvement project. Or, home destruction project, might be. It’ll entirely depend on how it goes. But, tomorrow I’ll show what I plan to start this weekend.


Of the knitting variety.

Here’s the deal, I STILL haven’t been home when it’s light out. So, I still don’t have pictures of the various knitting and spinning projects I have going on right now.

But, I have been thinking about my knitting goals. Seeing as when I do make goals, I generally achieve them. We’ve got a new year coming up very quickly, and so I decided to reflect a bit on what I’d like to make happen in the upcoming year. I am reflecting NOW because my time to do so up until the new year promises to be rather limited.

I have three sweaters on the needles RIGHT NOW. I have the Funky Grandpa cardigan that I started on December 4 2014. That’s my oldest, and it needs sleeves. Then there’s the Grandpa Cardigan that I started December 16 2014. Equally old at this point, and not even as far finished. And then, naturally, I cast on a sweater mid October of this year, the Pas de Valse. And, it, too, is not done. These all need to become finished sweaters or get frogged. And I think that frogging them at this point would be a sin. Also, I have to remind myself it might be nice to have those needles back!

As for what I, and you the reader, can expect from the blog, I’ve got some home repair projects I am about to embark on, and I am taking you along for the ride! It could go smoothly, with me feeling empowered and doing more home projects, OR, it could go terribly, and I plan to show you either way.

That I start on Saturday. 🙂

The Weekend

I am already looking forward to another, how about you? Though, there’s, again, a ridiculous amount of stuff needing to be done between the two weekends.

Since the extremely rainy weather made pictures so difficult this weekend, All I’ve got is a snapshot of more fiber on the drum carder. I decided to take some fiber I had dyed, BFL, and add some stuff to it.


I just wasn’t in love with it as is, so I figured adding to it couldn’t hurt.


I added quite a bit of silk, and some loop fiber. Carded twice, I ended up with some pretty cool metallic looking batts. Which I’ll show off. Just as soon as I can get a good picture.

The weekend was predominately quiet after a very crazy week. The last event we had going on was Friday night, my company holiday party. I guess you could say it ended early Saturday morning, as we wandered off to another event afterwards. But, here we are, Mr. Ink and I, at the holiday party.


We had a great time, and then I slept on and off for two days straight.


It’s my weekly spinday. It’s raining, hard, and we had good thunderstorms last night. Seems so odd for a December spinday. Hard to take a good photo too!


Here’s where I am with my green/blue/purple batts. On the left you can see the greenest color, and on the right is the second batt in the progression. It shows up a lot better when the sun is shining. Sorry.

I also was eager to take some photos of my entrelac lace handspun knitting project. But that’s not going to happen AT ALL today. Such a bummer!

I have decided to console myself with the drum carder, a bunch of fiber, and some podcasts in my basement.

The Blue Batts

Ok, they are a gradient. Not all blue. Green to Blue to Purple I suppose. And full of lovely fillers and add ins.

I am obsessed with them. Just as obsessed as I was with the other two fiber preps I created over the weekend and that are already spun up. Maybe even more. I just love how these turned out.

And I couldn’t resist starting to spin them.


Starting with the greenest batt. Yep. Love.

12 in 12

12 pairs of handknit socks in 12 months. DONE. The final December pair are monkeys out of dream in color smooshy, Some Summer Sky. Miss Bug, who now wants to be called Butterfly, modeled them for me.


They are a bit big on her, as the recipient is an adult. But an adult with smaller feet than me, and I didn’t want to stretch them out.

This concludes my 12 in 12, and I couldn’t be happier about it. I still have plenty of sock yarn, and I may still knit socks, but this upcoming year is just not going to be about sock knitting.

For posterity, here are the other socks.







July socks were Christmas stockings. #1 here, and #2 here.






All The Pink!

And purple too.


This is a pink that’s hard to photograph. A 2 ply yarn out of crazy batts I created over the weekend and then dizzed off the drum carder. It was great fun to make, and the resulting yarn is exceedingly and surprisingly soft! I’ve got 280 yards of it.

I thought of my daughter when I looked at it, because when she was younger she would have been over the moon for this yarn. But….she’s a tween now, and her comment upon hearing a description of the yarn was….”Ugh.”

So that’s that. She’s done with pink. But I don’t think I am…..

Not Gonna Happen

So, I finished my skein of yellow from the batts I created this weekend. Just as a reminder, here are two of the batts with the original polwarth top I used as the base of the batts.


I obsessively spun this over the weekend with the intention of washing it, fulling it slightly, and spinning it back the other way to make a stable single with low twist. It didn’t work out. It might have if I’d changed some things, but after losing the end of my yarn twice in about 30 yards of singles on the wheel, I gave up.

Quite frankly, I am having one of those weeks where I count down to the weekend in both my personal and professional life. Even Friday night won’t count. (1 down, 4 to go by the way….) It really isn’t the week for me to be attempting this project.

So, instead I am showing you 945 yards of singles which we are calling finished.


They are laceweight, they are beautiful, and I’ll be very pleased to use them as is whenever I get around to it. And, well, since I’ve already wound them into a very large yarn cake, I may get to them faster than one might imagine.

Meanwhile, Miss Bug decided that our week is indeed too busy, and skipped girlscouts last evening so we could have a little down time. Which meant I was able to finish another skein of handspun! It’s hanging to dry, hopefully I can show it off tomorrow.

Can’t stop, won’t stop

Or, In Christmas Knitting Avoidance.

Dudes. I cannot stop with the fiber prep. That Craftsy class must have been madly inspiring. And I had a week for the information to percolate before I got to the drum carder. It’s just been….wild.

My next drum carder creation had to be a gradient! I had a 4 oz. braid of polwarth wool that was dyed in greens/blues/purples. I split it all up into individual colors, and then made 4 equal piles of fiber, each a different color. Then, I threw in a ton of add ins, in this case firestar, silk, and some Loop! fiber I had laying around. I used exactly the same add ins in the same amounts for each of the 4 piles of polwarth.

IMG_3704 Here’s what it looked like before the top layer of polwarth on the second batt. What I ended up with was 4 batts, working their way from green to blue to purple.


The purple is rather subtle, but I really think this’ll be a fabulous spin!

Then I sat down and finished spinning my yellow singles.


They looked like Ramen noodles when they came off the niddy noddy. I am determined to do with these what I wanted to do with my last singles. I fulled them slightly and they are hanging to dry, then I’ll wind them, and send them back through my wheel the other way in order to get stable singles with far less twist.

And, well, I couldn’t even stop there! I divided out the crazy pink fiber I’d dizzed off the drum carder into two equal piles and got started spinning that.


It’s awesome and crazy! I WANT A HAT!

Guys, my creativity was flying off the charts this weekend and I just want to create ALL THE THINGS! This is very good, since we’ve got a week absolutely packed full this week, and I really, truly, needed this time with my fiber crafts.

December Spinday

Over Thanksgiving vacation, I grabbed up the Craftsy class on fiber prep for spinning. I figured since I have the tools, maybe I’d be more inspired to use them. That was precisely the result of watching the class, and I spent all week wishing I had time to use my drum carder.

First up, I took some polwarth top that was yellow but rather drab, and divided it up. Then I threw in some silk, soy silk, firestar, and sari silk. I created some batts that were far more interesting, but still quite yellow.

I was quite taken with these, so I immediately pulled out another polwarth top that was not very interesting to me, and focused my creative energy on that one.


Above is the original. I threw in all sorts of add ons for this one, silk noil, silk, sari silk, firestar, some bits of loop add ons I had around. I divided it all out nicely in my work space.


I packaged everything up together, carded, and then decided it was time to learn to diz off the drum carder. I had mixed results, but got fairly good and a fair bit faster toward the fourth batt off the carder.


I now have over 4 ounces of some really crazy pinky purply stuff to spin up. But, for Spinday? I am starting with yellow.


Like it’s 2007

A good friend of mine recently said she was knitting like it was 2007. She meant that she was knitting quite a lot which hasn’t been her norm. I quickly agreed, saying that my project choices were like 2007.

My December socks, more than halfway complete, are another pair of Monkey socks. I don’t remember when that pattern came out, but I know I was knitting it in early 2008, and I’d known about it longer.


Then there’s the scarf I am knitting for my “mother in law.” She’s been complaining that the large shawl I gave her doesn’t work for outdoors. So I decided to pull out some old sock yarn and start a Clapotis. Chances are, if you were knitting and online in 2007, you made a Clapotis, maybe more than one. I have knit it repeatedly over the years, but I started my first in 2007.


I’ve just finished the increases here, and will now begin the main body of the scarf. The yarn is Yarn Pirate Merino Tencel, and there’s nothing more 2007 than that blend either if you ask me!

Not shown is the irresistible handspun project I began out of the Rose Garden singles. I did cast on for my Forest Path Stole, out of my The Best of Interweave Knits, a book I picked up late 2007. I always wanted to knit that pattern, but didn’t quite have the skill back then. I do now.

So I am absolutely knitting like it’s 2007.

How about you? Are there memorable projects from your first major year of knitting that you keep returning to?

In the Swing

Wow, getting back in the swing of things after vacation has gone poorly! Work is about as busy as it can be, during a busy season. Miss Bug’s schedule is pretty wild right now, and Mr. Ink’s mom is requiring multiple visits to the dentist. She doesn’t drive, so I drive her. Last evening was the first evening since vacation where I am home when it was still light out. It was still a busy evening, but I had an hour and a half between work and our next scheduled event. That hour was consumed with helping with homework and catching up on housework, but, I was able to take a photo!


Let me tell you about this yarn. This is handspun singles from loop clouds in the color Rose Garden. There’s 1265 yards. When I spun it, I wasn’t sure if it would be singles or chain ply, as these aren’t colors that I believe would ply nicely together. As I kept spinning, I became more and more aware that it was going to be singles. And, before I was done spinning, I had a pattern picked out.

My original intention was to wash this, fulling it slightly, and then spinning it back the other way to take some twist back out. Then washing it again, fulling it slightly to make very stable low spun singles.

But, every once in awhile, I am powerless in the face of handspun. I balled this up yesterday, and couldn’t resist casting on. The project I have in mind is lace, so the singles will be fine as is. If I get to bits I think are twisty, I can untwist them a bit as I knit.

My plan is to knit the Forest Path Stole, and I cast on for it already. I’ve wanted to knit that scarf since…I dunno, 2007? So it’s long overdue, and now’s the time.

To bring you up to speed about the last bit of vacation, Miss Bug got home from her trip to Colorado, and we put up the tree and hung the stockings, and it was lovely.

So there you have it! Happy Friday everyone! With a weekend coming up, I can get some additional photographs going! I am very eager to see what the weekend brings in crafting. Work has been so busy that it will really be pleasant to have some down time.