Knitting and Spinning updates

I know there hasn’t been much lately, but I have been working on a few things in a limited manner.

The other night, instead of riding, Sarah decided it would be a night to have pizza and watch a show. And I obliged. While there, I did a little spinning on the Sepia fleece. I now have one full bobbin!

While at work, I’ve been working on the Rick socks from Sock Innovation. These are truly beautiful socks and I am loving knitting them. Excellent pattern!

I’ve cast on the second sock and will continue working on it at work.

Then, in commission knitting news, I’ve been commissioned to knit a plain, natural color sweater. It may be boring work and slow going, but the results look awfully nice!

Tonight is a bike ride night. Tomorrow is a bike ride day. I doubt there will be much to show you in the crafting department for quite a while!