The Kiwi Came Home

On November 25, 2007 I purchased a second hand wheel. It was an Ashford Kiwi and this was the wheel I learned to spin on. I’d been drooling over a wheel and wanting to spin for so long that once I got it, it was a game changer for me. I didn’t actually spin on it for very long. I sold it a few months later to a friend of mine and then put that money and money I had saved toward a Majacraft Rose. At the time money was extremely tight so the saving was very difficult and I had to make big sacrifices. That being said, in the next few years wheel prices went up so significantly that I am glad I bought it when I did. I don’t think I’d be able to afford the same wheel now.

Because I sold the Kiwi to a friend, I’ve been able to keep track of it. She learned on it and then sold it to another mutual friend, and the Kiwi has been in the family so to speak since I purchased it in 2007. But, I found out that the Kiwi was close to leaving the family and I just didn’t want that to happen. It is a good solid little wheel. Perfect for learning on. I’ve got a kid who speaks expertly about fiber and spindle spinning, she might like to learn on a wheel. I also have friends who might like to learn eventually and it is difficult to find a good wheel for a cheap price these days. Furthermore, I rather thought I could perhaps rent it out to local gals who are interested in learning. So, I decided the Kiwi needed to come live with me.


Here she is, sitting next to my Rose! I think I am going to need to produce a little felted bag for her too. But, the more immediate plan for her is to take her apart, finish and paint her properly, and put her back together. Then hopefully Jeremy will look her over very carefully, make sure she is in good working order and get her oiled well, and only then will she really be ready to spin on. Despite the fact that I have an overwhelming desire to ply on her immediately. Silly really, when my perfectly serviceable and wonderful Rose is right here!

One thought on “The Kiwi Came Home

  1. Glad you were able to keep her in the “family” being able to rent out the wheel sounds like a great idea. I know when I was first considering my wheel it would have been great to be able to try out a few for more than a few minutes.

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