Hawser Endeavor Part 1

My second project attempt from Spinner’s Book of Yarn Designs has begun. I’ve decided on a Hawser ply, which is basically the plying used for rope. While I don’t want my yarn to be rope like, apparently you can use this method to get an extremely bouncy yarn, and I am excited to give it a try.

I’ve chosen to use 8 oz. of wool I’ve had in stash for a long time. The wool is The Dyeing Arts, colorway Goblin Seas. These are duos, so I get two tops in each, in coordinating colors. These are superwash wool.

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For this, I’ll need a total of 4 singles with Z twist. Then, I’ll ply those 4 singles into two 2-ply yarns, also with Z twist. That’s where things get a little out of hand. That’s a lot of twist to have hanging about in the yarn. Then I ply the two 2-ply yarns together with an S twist. Ideally, that’s when everything starts to look really cool.

So, I am starting on my first single. 2 oz, and it is spinning up quite beautifully. I started it Wednesday night, worked on it a bit after work yesterday, and will put in a bit of time on it today. Once I get two singles done, I’ll ply them before starting the next two, as to save bobbin space.


I do plan to keep the blog updated with progress on this one, since it’s rather interesting to me and I’d like to document the process. What about you? Is there anything that you are just inspired to learn, any plans for Tour de Fleece? Anything you’ve recently tried for the first time?

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