
Last evening, I embarked on quite a task. Rather unexpectedly. I’d begun going through my closets the night before, pulling things out that I really didn’t wear. Then I got it in my head that I needed to go get the bins in the basement and sort them. I decided I wanted to do that from the comfort of my living room, where I could distract myself with TV, rather than staying in the basement. So, I brought 6 bins up from the basement, pulled everything out of them, sorted them into piles, put quite a bit into a pile that I plan to get rid of, and so on. Then, a few of the bins went back to the basement after sorting and packing back up.

I noticed partway through that I wasn’t feeling too good, with a runny nose. Now, everyone at work has been sick with a cold and cough, so naturally I figured I must be coming down with it too. After dinner, I told Mr. Ink that I planned to go to bed early with a couple benadryl in hopes that it was allergies and not a cold. I told him I’d be leaving him to his evening alone.

Now, prior to dinner, he’d been spending his time after work working on his retaining wall. When I announced I’d be going to bed at 9:30, he said “Well, maybe I’ll go back out and work on my wall then!” Talk about hyper focus. He turned on all the outdoor lights and opened the garage and just continued to get on with it. I’d taken a picture prior to dinner, but since he’d worked on the wall until 1:30 am (!!!) I had to get an updated picture this morning!


I am still not entirely sure I understand his vision right now, to me it looks like a pile of rubble. However, I also know that he’ll be adding plants and trees and probably all the dirt in between the cracks will hold succulents, and it’ll probably look great. Plus, this portion is just the beginning. So, I am trying to withhold judgment, while certainly being quite nervous about the whole thing.

Due to my surprise closet clean out over the past two evenings, as well as heading to Miss Marja’s house to help with a project of hers, I really have gotten very little knitting or spinning done. And now it’s June, and I am not even sure I’ll be spinning this month. (Though I also refuse to put myself under hard and fast rule about that right now.) Usually I would try to show off the joji mystery stole, both sides at once. But, I am 2 rows from being done with the second side, and I really just cannot wait anymore.


This is complete through clue 3, and clue 4 comes out later tonight. I am oddly worried about yarn amounts, even though I really did start with enough. Well, I always worry about yarn amounts.

The delphinium I planted last year began to bloom yesterday!


It’s still a small plant, and somewhat weak, but it’s getting there! Next season I need to remove a hosta it’s right next to. The hosta keeps getting bigger, and I don’t want it to crowd the delphinium. And if I can grow this one, I may add more.

That’s about it from around here! I’ve still got a couple bins in the living room and a lot to sort and put away, so my unexpected project continues on. However, I am hoping it will be a lot less allergy inducing now that I’ve finished step one. I am enjoying the fact that it’s a short week since we had Monday off!