More Yarn

Well, I did what I hoped to last evening. I got two handspun yarns wound into cakes for upcoming knitting projects, pulled out needles for those projects, and got one project started. I also finished a knitting project, late though, so I’ll take photos this evening.

And I got photos of my latest handspun yarn.


I love how cheery it is! I ended up with 275 yards of 2 ply. Not an abundant amount, but paired with the other purple and yellow handspun, it’ll be great.

I keep imagining gloves right now. My desire is to knit gloves. Except that I haven’t cast any on yet. But really, I should because it’s what I keep thinking about and envisioning for my handspun. Clearly I believe winter is coming despite the unseasonably warm weather.

I’ve also been working on keeping Miss Butterfly in more often. She’s gotten so used to being able to spend massive amounts of time with friends. But, with the evenings getting darker and homework getting harder, I’ve decided that she can choose one after school thing, and then she needs to be in for chores, homework, and dinner. She generally has about 3 minutes of overly dramatic 12 year old statements like “WHY ARE YOU KEEPING ME FROM MY FRIENDS?!?!?!?! YOU DON’T LIKE THEM!!!!!”  And then? She’s completely content. Perfectly happy and lovely to spend an evening with. I grabbed this shot of her doing extra credit homework on the floor last night.


I love how she sets out everything so nicely before she gets to work. Pencil case, planner, computer for research, and instructions. I got her a planner like mine, at her request, for being such a great student this year. I figure if you are a very responsible 12 year old, you get to have fancy planners. She initially was annoyed with me because I got the planner made with her classes already written in it. But once she began using it, she fell in love.

It was a pretty good evening, a wind down after the Halloween excitement. I’d take another night like last night any day!